Items where Year is 2010

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Number of items: 89.


Afriani, Heni (2010) Administrasi perkantoran pada Puloraya Dental Clinic Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Alam, Friella Maulani (2010) The translation of english Banking terminologies used in Bank Jabar Banten. STBA LIA.

Aljousha R., Putri (2010) Some problems in the teaching and learning of speaking 2 as observed in the speaking final test. STBA LIA.

Amalia, Nurhany (2010) PT. Nisso, Menara Cakrawala Lt.12. STBA LIA.

Amalinur, Amalinur (2010) Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Litbang) di Harian seputar Indonesia. STBA LIA.

Aminie, Gladys Aissha (2010) Divisi administrasi sub bagian kepagawaian dan Tata Usaha Kantor wilayah Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia. STBA LIA.

Aminie, Gladys Aissha (2010) Divisi administrasi sub bagian kepagawaian dan Tata Usaha Kantor wilayah Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia. STBA LIA.

Anggraeni, Devi Shinta (2010) The Implementation of Teacher Roles Towards Fifth Grade Students in Five Public Elementary School in Depok. STBA LIA.

Anggraini, Astri (2010) PT. Japan Engineering Technology Wisma Nusantara Lt.27. STBA LIA.

Anisa, Lina (2010) Sub bagian kepegawaian dan umum balitfo Depnakertrans. STBA LIA.

Apriani, Dwi (2010) Kondisi Pekerja Wanita Jepang Setelah Berlakunya Kintouhou 1997. STBA LIA.

Arisandy, Yuni (2010) The Implementation of Pre-Communicative Activities in Teaching Speaking and Writing: A Case Study at "Mils" English Course. STBA LIA.

Astuti, Netty Indri (2010) An analysis of humor translation in garfield comics. STBA LIA.

Auliani, Rachma (2010) An Analysis of the English Translation of Verb Phrase in Conditional Sentences in Novel Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. STBA LIA.

Ayu, Effrita Rachma (2010) PT. Japan Engineering Technology Wisma Nusantara Lt.27. STBA LIA.

Bertha, Faustina (2010) An analysis of the translation of idioms in the very best donald duck comics the 18 edition. STBA LIA.

Christina, Diana (2010) Keitai Denwa (Ponsel) Sebagai Budaya Massa Jepang Saat Ini. STBA LIA.

Darsono, Wasis (2010) Fenomena Neet pada Generasi Muda Jepang dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Tenaga Kerja. STBA LIA.

Desiana, Ayunita (2010) Kegiatan reporter di redaksi what hifi pada kelompok kompas gramedia group of magazine. STBA LIA.

Desilawati F., Shely (2010) Kegiatan Administrasi perkantoran PT Total Bangun Persada. STBA LIA.

Dormiana S., Evi (2010) Implementation of cooperative learning by small grouping: A case study at intermediate 4 class of suri school of english. STBA LIA.

Elandho, Hanny (2010) The use of phonics method in teaching reading english new words to the kindergarten students of ceria montessori school. STBA LIA.

Ershad, Mohammad (2010) Penerjemahan surat dan dokumen pada departemen tenaga kerja dan transmigrasi. STBA LIA.

Fatimah, Siti (2010) A critical discourse Analysis of articles about gas explosion at the STBA LIA.

Fatmawati, Fatmawati (2010) Reporter harian jurnal nasional pada PT Media Nusa Pradana. STBA LIA.

Fauziah, Syifa (2010) Sub bagian tata usaha biro organisasi dan kepegawaian Depnakertrans. STBA LIA.

Fithrianie, Rizqi (2010) Analisis kohesi dalam novel remaja jepang hitomi no naka no takara mono karya Orihara Mito. STBA LIA.

Giovanny, Elvry Elisabeth (2010) The Translation of English Determiner into Indonesian in the Novel The Girl Who Played Go by Shan Sa and its Translated Version Gadis Pemain Go by Amanda Casimira. STBA LIA.

Harmon, Ardi (2010) An Anlaysis on Siggesting Speech Acts by Male and Female Characters in Charlies's Angels: Get Some Action Movie. STBA LIA.

Harumi W., Rini (2010) The anaysis on differences of the use of lexical cohesion in narrative and expository. STBA LIA.

Ikdam, Samsul (2010) An Analysis of Translation of English Future Tense in the Novel New Moon by Stepheni Mayer. STBA LIA.

Inodya, Merizka (2010) An Analysis of Slang Words and Phrases in Bad Boys I Movie. STBA LIA.

Irawati, Lidya (2010) An analysis on the translation of english preposition in,at,and on into indonesian in the spiderwick novel. STBA LIA.

Irmalindra, Deas (2010) Test item analysis based on item difficulty and discrimination of english final test given to sekolah Dasar Tiara School 3 grade students of academic year 2009-2010. STBA LIA.

Kamelia, Kamelia (2010) Fenomena fujoshi di jepang dilihat dari segi peran gender. STBA LIA.

Khotimah, Noorul (2010) Lembaga Pendidikan ATS. STBA LIA.

Komalasari, Imas (2010) Analysis of Grammatical Cohesion: Subtitution and Reference. STBA LIA.

Konitin, Tinting Ikhtiarti (2010) The Role of Repetition and its Relation with Facial Expression in "Friends" TV Series. STBA LIA.

Kurniati, Nia (2010) Sub bagian kepegawaian dan tata usaha Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi. STBA LIA.

Kurniawan, Yosep (2010) Contrastive analysis of subject and predicate in english and indonesian simple sentences. STBA LIA.

Larasati, Ken (2010) Departemen tenaga kerja dan transmigrasi jakarta. STBA LIA.

Latifah, Amalia (2010) Analysis on Critizing Utterance as Face Threatening Act in the Film of Legally Blonde I. STBA LIA.

Lestari, Martha Dwi (2010) An analysis of english learning strategies in primary five at Mahatma Gading School. STBA LIA.

Martha, Nadyah Chatria (2010) PT Multi Arscape Kreasi. STBA LIA.

Martha, Nadyah Chatria (2010) PT Multi Arscape Kreasi. STBA LIA.

Marwan, Marwan (2010) Penelitian dan Pengembangan di Harian seputar Indonesia. STBA LIA.

Maya D, Meilawati Laksmi (2010) An analysis on the translation of have in the novel bag of bones. STBA LIA.

Mayela, Viana (2010) Sekretaris direksi PT Sucofindo Episi. STBA LIA.

Megy A., Fransiska (2010) Kegiatan administrasi di PT Depriwangga Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Miranda, Anggia Citra (2010) PT. Federal International Finance Menara FIF. STBA LIA.

Mulyati, Nova Sri (2010) Analysis oncharacteristics of natural conversation in the fisrt session of desperate housewives tv series. STBA LIA.

Nadar, Nadar (2010) Reporter pusat penerbitan LIA. STBA LIA.

Nitiprodjo, Abdul Rachman (2010) Editing di Majalah C'ns. STBA LIA. (Unpublished)

Norani, Devi (2010) Text analysis on articles about the serial Killing Case By Very Rayan: I Idham Henyansyah at STBA LIA.

Nurhakim, M.Romli (2010) Divisi administrasi sub bagian kepagawaian dan Tata Usaha Kantor wilayah Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia. STBA LIA.

Nurhakim, M.Romli (2010) Divisi administrasi sub bagian kepagawaian dan Tata Usaha Kantor wilayah Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia. STBA LIA.

Nurmalasari, Sintia (2010) Analysis of grammatical cohesion in harry potter and the philosopher's stone novel. STBA LIA.

Nurullah, Sari (2010) Framing analysis of headline articles of the Jakarta Post newspaper about Balinese Pendet Case Between Indonesia and Malaysia. STBA LIA.

Pandristo, Pandristo (2010) A framing analysis on jakarta post newspaper articles about black Friday. STBA LIA.

Pelasula, Meiske M. (2010) The function of discourse marker connectives and,but,or analysis related to power and solidarity in ten things I hate about you movie. STBA LIA.

Puspita, Marissa (2010) An analysis of slang words translation in This Is England movie. STBA LIA.

Puspitawati, Ade Ayu (2010) The analysis of apologizing expressions in relation with the power and solidarity and the apologizing strategies in "gilmore girl" tv series. STBA LIA.

Putri, Melati Juwita (2010) Imaji Kazoku Gokko di dalam Internet pada Novel R.P.G. Karya Miyuki Miyabe. STBA LIA.

Putro, Dimas Aryo (2010) Peran JSDF dalam Perdamaian Dunia. STBA LIA.

Rachmawati, Nurul (2010) The Strategies of Translation of so as an Adverb and Conjunction in the Novel The Chonicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. STBA LIA.

Rahayu, Widyas Tutik (2010) An Analysis on the Functions in " Friends" TV Series. STBA LIA.

Rahmawati, Lisa (2010) Reporter di redaksi sabtu dan ahad Republika. STBA LIA.

Sari, Titim Gariana (2010) An analysis on judging utterance in the tv series ally mc beal. STBA LIA.

Sari, Tri Ratna (2010) Sub bagian kesekretariatan PT Total Bangun Persada Proyek Kemang Village. STBA LIA.

Satwika, Kesthi Fitra (2010) Analysis of the relationship between boosting words and power and solidarity in "A Few good men"Movie. STBA LIA.

Silitonga, Yana (2010) Sub bagian kepegawian dan tata usaha Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Sulistiawati, Ade Retno (2010) Analysis of Learning Strategies Case Study in "Sekolah Cakra Buana". STBA LIA.

Sutiarsih, Sutiarsih (2010) Analysis Of thanking expressions related to power and solidarity in the hills TV series. STBA LIA.

Syaichun, Syaichun (2010) The Framing Analysis on the Jakarta Post Newspaper Articles About the Israeli Attack of Volunteers in Mavi Marmara. STBA LIA.

Tamsil, Muhammad (2010) A Study on Conversational Implicature as Connected With off Record Strategy: A case study from exchangeing of utterances in novel "The Healer". STBA LIA.

Tarunadi, Bachtiar Bayu (2010) Equivalence of African Amrican vernacular English in the John Grisham's novel a time to kill. STBA LIA.

Trisnawati, Lena (2010) Biro Organisasi dan Kepegawaian Sekjen Depnakertrans. STBA LIA.

Triyani, Sinta (2010) Marketing Office PT UNITEX Tbk. STBA LIA.

Tursina, Tursina (2010) Analisis alih kode bilingual pada lagu-lagu Utada Hikaru dalam album Distance. STBA LIA.

Viyona S., Angelia (2010) Greeting Expressions Analysis in Louise Bagshawe's Novel: "Whwn She Was Bad… She Was Definetely Trouble. STBA LIA.

Wahyudiningsih, Kris (2010) Divisi Admininstrasi Sub Bagian Kepegawaian dan Tata Usaha Kantor wilayah Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia. STBA LIA.

Wahyudiningsih, Kris (2010) Divisi Admininstrasi Sub Bagian Kepegawaian dan Tata UsahaKantor wilayah Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia. STBA LIA.

Widiawati, Sarovah (2010) An analysis on refusal utterances in the season one of TV series,gossip girl. STBA LIA.

Widyasworo, Retno Tri (2010) Sub bagian kepegawaian dan tata usaha Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi. STBA LIA.

Wuryani, Tri (2010) Penyuntingan majalah C'ns Junior. STBA LIA.

Yanita P., Chuliyah (2010) The Analysison Conditions of coherence in the Dialogues of Sydney Sheldon's Novel "Morning,Noon and Night". STBA LIA.

sari, Indri Puspita (2010) A Translation analysis of derivational suffix-ing in reader's digest magazine. STBA LIA.

sushan, Shirley (2010) An analysis of separable phrasal verbs translation in the novel diary of a wimpy kid. STBA LIA.

sushan, Shirley (2010) An analysis of separable phrasal verbs translation in the novel diary of a wimpy kid. STBA LIA.

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