Items where Year is 2009

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Number of items: 67.


Adhini R., Irma (2009) The analysis on differences between Men's and transvestite's speech style in King Boots Movie Directed by Joel Edgerton. STBA LIA.

Adi, Fahmi Prasetyo (2009) Bagian Humas Yayasan LIA. STBA LIA.

Agustin, Mery (2009) Museum Tekstil (Tanah Abang). STBA LIA.

Ahmadhi B., Muh.Rizqie (2009) An analysis on the translation of political and administrative lexical items from Indonesian into english in Tempo magazine. STBA LIA.

Asmara, Eka Ariesta (2009) An Analysis of Culture Word Translation In Jazz 101 A Complete Guide To Loving and Learning Jazz Book. STBA LIA.

Baruni, Baruni (2009) Upaya meningkatkan kemampuan nihongo nouryoku shiken yonkyuu siswa SMA Negeri 49 Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Chandra, Dinda Mylitta (2009) An Analysis on Shift in the Translation of English Post Modifiers on Noun Phrase into Indonesian the Novel Memoir's of Gisha by Arthur Golden. STBA LIA.

Dewi, Kristina (2009) PT. Dwies Asma Adjie. STBA LIA.

Dewi A, Bunga (2009) Pengaruh pelatihan terhadap tingkat produktifitas sales staff di kinokuniya. STBA LIA.

Dharmawan, Fenella (2009) Bagian Programming Global TV. STBA LIA.

Dumyati, Rizky Amelia (2009) Fenomena Bishounen Sebagai Idola yang Merebak di Kalangan Remaja Tokyo Era 2000-an. STBA LIA.

Ekawati, Anita Dewi (2009) Teaching Vocabulary By Using Song To The Sixth Grade Students in SD Angkasa Halim perdanakusuma jakarta timur. STBA LIA.

Elizabeth L., Friska (2009) Bagian Marketing & Research PT. Djarum. STBA LIA.

Elsyafira, Nadia (2009) Reporter di Tabloid Gaul. STBA LIA.

Elysabet, Elysabet (2009) Thanking Expressions Related to Preferred and Dispreferred Responses in the princess Diaries the movie. STBA LIA.

Erviana, Demissa (2009) Departemen Perdagangan RI. STBA LIA.

Fajrina, Asry (2009) Perkembangan dan Eksistensi Yakuza dalam Bisnis Legal. STBA LIA.

Fauzi, Gilang Ahmad (2009) Inter-rater reability: the most reliable method in scoring essay using primary trait method and analytic method. STBA LIA.

Fauziah, Nyimas (2009) The Politeness Strategy in Forbidding Speech Act in Heroes Movies Series. STBA LIA.

Gita P., Hasna Shafa (2009) Nisso Service Indonesia. STBA LIA.

Hadrianus, Juan (2009) Fenomena Lilikon dalam doujinshi. STBA LIA.

Happy C., Prima (2009) Discourse Analysis of Barack Obama. STBA LIA.

Hardiyanti, Hera (2009) Pengembangan pelayanan Takenoko Medical Centre Pondok Indah. STBA LIA.

Harvita, Dessy (2009) Manajemen Perkantoran PT. Dwies Asma Adjie. STBA LIA.

Hayu, Rari Makraning (2009) The Translation of Upward and Downward Collocations in Disney Children's Encyclopedia Dynosaurs by Jinny Johson. STBA LIA.

Hilmy, Hilmy (2009) Single sebagai ujung tombak eksistensi musisi J-Pop. STBA LIA.

Irawan, Harry (2009) Divisi Administrasi Sub Bagian Kepegawaian dan Tata Usaha. STBA LIA.

Irawan, Harry (2009) Divisi Administrasi Sub Bagian Kepegawaian dan Tata Usaha. STBA LIA.

Johan, Stefano (2009) An Analysis on Computer Terminology Translation Into Indonesian in Quick Reference Compact Notebook PC. STBA LIA.

Juliyantio, Moch.Aulia (2009) The Translation of english gramatical collocations into Indonesian in novel The Girl who played go by Shan Sa. STBA LIA.

Khasanah, Uswatun (2009) An Analysis on The Translation of the Function of Discourse Markers in Meg Gabot's Novel Princess In Love. STBA LIA.

Kustanto, Dwi (2009) Biro Organisasi dan Kepegawaian Depnaker & Trans Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Lestari, Dian Eka (2009) An Analysis on Speech Acts that Have Positive Politeness Meaning in the TV Drama Series the Hills. STBA LIA.

Martiana, Atty (2009) Editing Naskah Siaran Radio. STBA LIA.

Muhayaroh, Iis (2009) Fenomena ramalan golongan darah di jepang. STBA LIA.

Nugroho, Arie (2009) The Translation of English Compund Words Into Indonesian in the Vovel the Pelican Brief. STBA LIA.

Nur, Ayudia M (2009) Goth-Loli sebagai subkultur remaja putri jepang. STBA LIA.

Nur, Nining (2009) Reporter di Tabloid Gaul. STBA LIA.

Octavianti, Rizka (2009) The Analysis of Morphological and Syntactic Characteristcs of African American Vernacular English in Malibu's Most wanted Movie. STBA LIA.

Olivia, Getruida (2009) Analysis of Blaming Functioning as Face Threatening Acts (FT As) in Film Bend it Like Beckham. STBA LIA.

Ophilia, Agnetha (2009) Analisis tindak tutur direktif dan hubungannya dengan kuasa dan solidaritas dalam komik hana yori dango edisi 1 dan 3. STBA LIA.

Panfiana, Mauliana (2009) Manajemen data dan informasi PT Indosat Tbk cab.Bekasi divisi Small Medium. STBA LIA.

Papilaya, Lelia I (2009) Dampak penguasaan bahasa jepang terhadap pergeseran identitas anak-anak nikkei Burajirujin di jepang. STBA LIA.

Papilaya, Lelia Ilaely (2009) Dampak penguasaan bahasa jepang terhadap pergeseran identitas anak-anak nikkei Burajirujin di jepang. STBA LIA.

Peril, Fikhar (2009) Penyeleksian dan penempatan pegawai di Takenoko Medical Centre. STBA LIA.

Pradipta, Rika Agustin (2009) The Translation Analysis of Verb 'Be' in Disney's Children Encyclopedia. STBA LIA.

Pratiwi, Winda Novia (2009) Text analysis on articles about the serial Killing Case By Very Rayan: I Idham Henyansyah at STBA LIA.

Pricilla, Natasha (2009) Pengaruh sistem ujian jepang pada motivasi belajar siswa terhadap munculnya fenomena Tokokyohi. STBA LIA.

Rityasona, Desni (2009) An Analysis on Discourse Marker I Mean As Face Saving Act (FSA) In The First Session Of Desperate Housewives TV Series. STBA LIA.

Rizky, Bayu (2009) The Effectiveness of using realia and list of words in teaching vocabulary to the fifth grade students of SD 16 Pagi klender,east jakarta. STBA LIA.

Rohaeni, Heni (2009) The Differences of Offering Expressions Used By Women and Men In Dawson's Creek season 1 TV Series. STBA LIA.

Sanani, Mutiara (2009) Analisis Sinonim Kosakata Wago Melalui Unsur Kanji Pembentuknya. STBA LIA.

Sari, Refita (2009) Unsur Kawaii dalam idola wanita jepang. STBA LIA.

Septiyanti, Lady (2009) PT Sanyo Jaya Components Indonesia. STBA LIA.

Setia. N, Ayu Rahma (2009) The Use of Particle Well in Season Three (Episode 9-11) of Smallville Series. STBA LIA.

Sinambela, Nuradi Prayitno (2009) Bagian Peliputan di PT. Indonesia Musik Televis. STBA LIA.

Sofiana R.V., Sonya (2009) Teacher's contributions toward communicative classroom interaction in pre-k class at peachblossoms preschool and kindergarden,bekasi. STBA LIA.

Susilawati, Eka Sakti (2009) Change Magazine Bagian Kontributor. STBA LIA.

Tanjung, Engelika (2009) The Translation of African American Vernacular English Into Indonesian in Novel to Kill A Mockingbird. STBA LIA.

Thika A.D.P, Lusyana (2009) Riset Pemasaran pada PT. Jarum. STBA LIA.

Utami, Dian Novianti (2009) The Use of Interaction OH in Friends TV Series. STBA LIA.

Virnawati, Virnawati (2009) Peran dan Fungsi sekretaris di PT Hino Motors sales Indonesia. STBA LIA.

Wahyuni, Astri (2009) Sebagai Reporter di C'nS Teen Magazine. STBA LIA.

Wedantara, I Wayan (2009) Analisis morfosemantis kata kerja majemuk Teoku pada novel Bocchan karya Natsume Soseki. STBA LIA.

Wulandari, Setyo (2009) Translation of Euphemism in the Novel of A Stranger in the Mirror by Sidney Sheldon. STBA LIA.

Yulianti, Eva (2009) Fenomena Jisatsu pada remaja jepang. STBA LIA.

Yuselina, Linda (2009) Prosedur izin tenaga kerja asing di PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia. STBA LIA.

This list was generated on Sat Mar 15 16:53:08 2025 UTC.