Items where Year is 2006

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Number of items: 150.


Adianti, Ayu Sari (2006) Love & Misery into Poems "Sorting Laundry" by Elisa Vietta Ritchie & "the Want of You" by Anonymous. STBA LIA.

Afriani, Siti Zainab (2006) Gran Melia Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Amaliah, Nuni (2006) The Analysis of Hedging Devices on Making Disagreement in Smallville TV Series. STBA LIA.

Amalya, Amalya (2006) The Comparison of Using Total Physical Response and Using Picture in Teaching imperactive to fourth year students of SD Swasta Model Islamic Village Karawaci. STBA LIA.

Anastasia, Anastasia (2006) Bedah kosmetik bagi kaum perempuan di jepang meningkatkan citra diri atau sikap penolakan terhadap diri sendiri. STBA LIA.

Arbiyanto, Helmy (2006) Fenomena Karoushi pada pekerja pria jepang. STBA LIA.

Argharini, Nurya (2006) Harian Umum Proaksi. STBA LIA.

Arie S., Ellyana Juwita (2006) The Comparison Between Extensive Reading Program and Intensive Reading in Enriching Students vocabulary at SMP Negeri 43 Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Arta, Qairani (2006) The Use of Irony from Pragmatics Point of View in the First Five Series of "Harry Potter". STBA LIA.

Astuti, Rosmawati Budi (2006) Analisis tema melalui tokoh, penokohan, latar serta hubungan antartokoh dalam novel Umibe No Kafuka karya Murakami Haruki. STBA LIA.

Astuti, Rosmawati Budi (2006) Analisis tema melalui tokoh, penokohan, latar serta hubungan antartokoh dalam novel Umibe No Kafuka karya Murakami Haruki. STBA LIA.

Aziz, Shohrah (2006) PT Primatama Karya Persada JAPFA Group. STBA LIA.

arbiyanto, Helmy (2006) Fenomena Karoushi pada pekerja pria jepang. STBA LIA.


Berliana A., Dewi (2006) Bagian Editorial Pusat Penerbitan LIA. STBA LIA.

Buadiarti, Lina (2006) Text Analysis of Topic Marking and Cohesive Devices on the four essays: "The Star", "Hommaking", Why Smaller Refrigerator Can Preserve Human Race" and "Barbie and her Playmates". STBA LIA.


Cahyadewi G., Rannie (2006) Bagian Ketatalaksanaan DEPNAKER & Transmigraasi. STBA LIA.

Cecilia, Lisa (2006) Adaptasi perusahaan barat di jepang termasuk adaptasi wanita pekerja Ekspatriat. STBA LIA.

Cecilia, Lisa (2006) Adaptasi perusahaan barat di jepang termasuk adaptasi wanita pekerja Ekspatriat. STBA LIA.

Chandra, Suryanti (2006) CEO Suite. STBA LIA.

Christine, Dolly (2006) Bagian Editorial Pusat Penerbitan LIA. STBA LIA.

Christine, Dolly (2006) Bagian Editorial Pusat Penerbitan LIA. STBA LIA.

Christine, Ully (2006) SDN Rawajati Barat 06 Pagi. STBA LIA.

Citrawati, Inna (2006) Tata Cara Bernegoisasi Bisnis di Bagian Purchasing pada Y. STBA LIA.

Cornelia, Bonita (2006) Bagian SDM & General Affairs. STBA LIA.


Dachlan, Heryanto (2006) A Development Character of Mrs. Popov from Weak into Tough Woman in the Short Play The Boor by Anton Chekov. STBA LIA.

Dahlan, Mirna Indah (2006) Bagian kerjasama Non Pemerintah Sekretariat Lakhar BNN. STBA LIA.

Damayanti, Emma (2006) Laporan PKL. STBA LIA.

Danu, Agustinus (2006) A Struggle of a Nine-Year-Old Girl to be Treated Equally in a Short Story The Stolen Party Written by Liliana Heker and Translated by Alberto Manguel. STBA LIA.

Darmawan, Dany (2006) The Translation of Mobile Phone Guide Book and Its Terminology. STBA LIA.

Dasuki, Christin Dewi (2006) The Analysis of Apologizing Expressions Used in the Novel Entitled "Yhe Mirror of Her Dreams by Stephen R. Donaldson. STBA LIA.

Dewi, Heryanti (2006) The Influence of Politeness and Power and Solidarity Concept in Speech Act Request in Home. STBA LIA.

Dewi, Heryanti (2006) The Influence of Politeness and Power and Solidarity Concept in Speech Act Request in Home. STBA LIA.

Dewi, Yulita Pratiwi (2006) Peran saigo takamori dalam peralihan zaman feodal ke zaman modern serta konflik yang dialaminya. STBA LIA.

Dewi, Yulita Pratiwi (2006) Peran saigo takamori dalam peralihan zaman feodal ke zaman modern serta konflik yang dialaminya. STBA LIA.

Diah, Istiwarni (2006) The Deep Structure Analysis of Emily Dickinson's Poems. STBA LIA.

Djajaatmadja, Adhe I. (2006) Penerapan Nemawashi Dalam proses Pengambilan Keputusan Manajemen Jepang. STBA LIA.

Dorty, Dorty (2006) Parent's Involvement in Motivating Their Children in Learning English And Its effect on children's achievement. STBA LIA.

Dwi, Fransiskus Marianto (2006) An Anlysis on the Accuracy of Trans Tool in Translating a Text Return of the Rebellon. STBA LIA.


Ekayani S., Cynthia (2006) Budaya kerja PT Musashi Auto Parts Indonesia. STBA LIA.

Ermita, Risa (2006) Laporan PKL. STBA LIA.


Fani, Marina Christy (2006) Internal & External Modification of Complaints as Found in the TV Situation Comedy Series Friends. STBA LIA.

Febriano, Valentino (2006) Mary's Journey to Her Adulthood in Short Story "Ta-Na-E-Ka" by Mary Whitebird. STBA LIA.

Febrianti, Siska (2006) Assuryaniyah Education Centre. STBA LIA.

Felani S., Adnovria (2006) Teaching Vocabulary by Guessing Meaning from Context Strategy: Classroom Action Research (CAR). STBA LIA.

Firmansyah, Panji (2006) Pengaruh Ajaran agama Omoto terhadap seni bela diri Aikido. STBA LIA.

Firmansyah, Panji (2006) Pengaruh Ajaran agama Omoto terhadap seni bela diri Aikido. STBA LIA.


Hadeli, Christine (2006) PT Trinity Optima Production. STBA LIA.

Handayani, Dewi Saputri (2006) Difficulties Encountered by STBA LIA Teacher's in Teaching Reading in Reading Comprehension I Morning Classes at STBA LIA Pengadegan: A Case Study. STBA LIA.

Handayani, Nopi (2006) Museum Nasional. STBA LIA.

Harjanto, Badi (2006) Indonesian Grammatical Interference of ILP (International Language Program) Course Beginner Students in Learning English as a Foreign Language. STBA LIA.

Haryono, Budi Haridadi (2006) SMP Bakti Idhata. STBA LIA.

Heramono, Marina (2006) How Vengeance Changes a Naïve into a Hateful Person in the Novel the Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. STBA LIA.

Herawani, Neng (2006) An analysis Of The Translation Of The Infinitive In The Novel Ordeal By Agatha Christie. STBA LIA.

Hidayat, Taufik (2006) The Development of the Characters from the Captain and the Correspondent in Their Effort to Survive on the Sea in Short Story "the Open Boat" by Stephen Crane. STBA LIA.

Hidayati, Noni Wahyu (2006) Keterwakilan kehidupan kaum Gay dalam Novel Kirakira Hikaru karya Kaori Ekoni. STBA LIA.

Hidayati, Noni Wahyu (2006) Keterwakilan kehidupan kaum Gay dalam Novel Kirakira Hikaru karya Kaori Ekuni. STBA LIA.

Hilda, Hilda (2006) Laporan PKL. STBA LIA.

Huda, Zhawil (2006) The Morality of hunting in the most dangerous game short story by Richard O'conell. STBA LIA.


Iman, Siti Aisyah Nurul (2006) The Struggle of the Main Character, Peter Haskell, in Order to Find Himself Again, in the Danielle Steel's Novel "Five Days in Paris". STBA LIA.

Indrawati, Tanti Dewi (2006) Laporan PKL. STBA LIA.

Indrawati, Titik (2006) PT Bimasakti Usindo Persada. STBA LIA.

Irawan, Dwi Desta (2006) Loyalitas Bushido Yang Tercermin Pada Karyawan Dalam Perusahaan Di Jepang. STBA LIA.


Kasiman, Rudi (2006) Social reality of the 19th century england as reflected in bronte's novel Jane Eyre. STBA LIA.

Kibtiyah, Maria (2006) SDN 03 Pengadegan. STBA LIA.

Komariah, Nur (2006) An Analysis of American Slang Translation in the Four Editions of Bilingual Garfield Comics by Jim Davis. STBA LIA.

Komaruddin, Muhammad (2006) An Analysis of the Indonesian Translation of English Inseparable Phrasal Verbs in Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban. STBA LIA.

Kusuma, Nila Susanti (2006) Pencerminan makna fonem pembentuk giongo-Gitaigo dalam komik Angel Hunt karya Oobayashi Miyuki. STBA LIA. (In Press)


Lestari, Sri (2006) Laporan PKL: Sub bagian hal dan protokol arsip Nasional RI. STBA LIA.

Lisnayanthi, Ni Putu Sri (2006) Perubahan budaya makan ditinjau dari struktur keluarga jepang dewasa ini. STBA LIA.

Lubis, Rudi Toni (2006) Hedges in Writing of STBA LIA Students: a Brief Study. STBA LIA.


Maemuna, Helly (2006) The Image of a Prostitute & a Striptease Dancer in Two Poems: "the Harlem Dancer" by Claude Mckay & "What Lips My Lips Have Kisses "by Edna St Vincent Millay. STBA LIA.

Mahmudi, Mahmudi (2006) Translator's Interference in Using Punctuation Marks in Translating Jakarta Undercover from Indonesian to English. STBA LIA.

Manalu, Nelly Garlia (2006) Semiotics Analysis of "The Face of Muhammad" Editorial Cartoons from Jyllands-Posten. STBA LIA.

Marheny, Marheny (2006) The Concept Of Existentialism in the story the wall by Jean paul Sartre. STBA LIA.

Mariana, Rita (2006) The Deep Structure Analysis of Emily Dickinson's Poems. STBA LIA.

Mariyam, Mariyam (2006) The Violation of Leech's Principle of Politeness in Creating Humoe in the Situation Comedy Everybody Loves Raymond. STBA LIA.

Marlinah, Siti (2006) Latar belakang terbentuknya hukum rumah tangga kekaisaran 1889. STBA LIA.

Marlinah, Siti (2006) Latar belakang terbentuknya hukum rumah tangga kekaisaran 1889. STBA LIA.

Marsaulina, Verawati (2006) Sexuality Symbols: an Analysis of Perfume Advertisement. STBA LIA.

Masapo, Stanislaus (2006) Learner's Self-Correction by Using Symbol in Written Composition Between a Basic Level and an Advanced Level at LBPP LIA Pramuka. STBA LIA.

Moektiaji, Probo (2006) The Translation of english marketing management terminologi into Indonesia in trout in strategy Bilingual edition. STBA LIA.

Muniroh, Muniroh (2006) An Analysis The Translation Of English Idioms Into Indonesian In Novel The Princess diaries By Meg Gabot. STBA LIA.

Murdhani, Benny (2006) Jessica's Journey and Decision to Find Her True Love in Shylock's Daughter Novel. STBA LIA.


Negara, I Gede Ady Suartama (2006) Zen dalam Kaligrafi Jepang. STBA LIA.

Negara, I Gede Ady Suartama (2006) Zen dalam Kaligrafi Jepang. STBA LIA.

Novita, Novita (2006) An Analysis of the Short Story "Beauty of Form and Beauty of Mind" Through Barthes' Codes of Reading. STBA LIA.

Nurdiah, Citra (2006) The Comparison of Teaching Pronounciation Through Drilling Versus Phonetic Alphabets. STBA LIA.

Nurhayati, Citra (2006) A Pragmatic Analysis on the Interpersonal Particle Just in the Movie Family Man. STBA LIA.

Nuryadin, Yayan (2006) Categorization and Reasoning in Terminology of Information Technology (IT): A Cognitive Linguistics Study. STBA LIA.


Oktarina, Jojor (2006) An Analysis on the Keynote Addresses of Hassan Wirajuda and Nobutaka Machimura Presented in the Asian-African Summit 2005: Reference Analysis. STBA LIA.

Oktora F.I, Windhi (2006) The Kinds of Activities that Support the Student's Learning Style in English for Children Class 4th Grade, at LBPP LIA Pramuka Using the Theme-Based Text Book "New Parade 4". STBA LIA.


Pane, Amelia K. (2006) Discourse Analysis : Speech Functions Related to Cooperative Principle in Internet Chatting. STBA LIA.

Pangerapan, Meivy M. (2006) Indonesia Ni Okeru Nihongo No (Hanashi Kotoba) No chishiki shukuyakukei kara miru. STBA LIA.

Parnawati, Yuli (2006) Bagian Personal & General Affairs. STBA LIA.

Pasaribu, Hertati (2006) Laporan PKL. STBA LIA.

Pattinaja, Direk Alberth (2006) Strategi personal sales permasalahan personal sales dan kinerja Yakult Lady Indonesia. STBA LIA.

Pradini, Ika Setyo (2006) Makna Estetika yang terkandung dalam Taman Zen. STBA LIA.

Pradini, Ika Setyo (2006) Makna Estetika yang terkandung dalam Taman Zen. STBA LIA.

Pramanik, Dewi (2006) The Translation of Negation from English into Indonesian in Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring ny J.R.R. Tolkien. STBA LIA.

Prameshwara, Digdaya (2006) PT Surya Citra Televisi. STBA LIA.

Prasetya, Andhika (2006) Laporan PKL. STBA LIA.

Prastyaningrum, Ika (2006) Problems and Roles of task in Helping the Listening Comprehension of Intermediate I Students in International Language Programs Pondok Gede. STBA LIA.

Pratiwi, Endah Sulistyo (2006) Perbedaan antara sistem Kanban dengan sistem order kirim barang (OKB) di bagian PPC PT Pantja Motor. STBA LIA.

Priana, Rahardian (2006) Shudanshugi di dalam Manajemen SDM perusahaan Jepang. STBA LIA.

Priana, Rahardian (2006) Shudanshugi di dalam Manajemen SDM perusahaan Jepang. STBA LIA.

Purwaningrum, Prapti Wigati (2006) Strategy in Request Modofication By Male and Female Character in the Situation Comedy Series "Friends". STBA LIA.

Puspitorini, Ferawaty (2006) Evaluating the Content of An English Textbook in English on Sky of 7th Grade Students in SMP Negeri 9 Bekasi. STBA LIA.

Putrayustiza, M. Fahmi (2006) Fenomena Karoushi yang Terjadi pada Pekerja Jepang di Jepang. STBA LIA.


Quasianah, Febria (2006) Analisis tema dilihat dari segi tokoh, penokohan, alur dan latar dalam manga Kiss plus Pair no jijou karya kuramochi fusako. STBA LIA.

Quasianah, Febria (2006) Analisis tema dilihat dari segi tokoh, penokohan, alur dan latar dalam manga Kiss plus Pair no jijou karya kuramochi fusako. STBA LIA.


Rahayu, Isminarti (2006) Laporan PKL. STBA LIA.

Rahman, Andy (2006) LBPP LIA Pramuka. STBA LIA.

Rini, Dian Novita (2006) An Analysis of Jennifers life againts all Odds In Her Love and the Carreer in the novel rage of angel by sidney sheldon. STBA LIA.

Roshita, Ika (2006) SDN 03 Pengadegan. STBA LIA.

Rosmayanti, Denok (2006) Role of Text as an Element of Foregrounding and Picture Meaning in the Advertisements of Airlines: A Study of Deviation and Semiotics. STBA LIA.

Royto, Rini (2006) Translation of english idioms Into Indonesian In The Novel The Sky is falling by Sydney Sheldon. STBA LIA.

rochmawati, Karina (2006) Laporan PKL. STBA LIA.


Sadiyah, Lela (2006) The Advantages of Using Micro-Dialogues in Teaching Speaking for Elementary II Student of LBPP LIA. STBA LIA.

Safriyanti, Dian Herny (2006) An Analysis of The Translation Of English relative Pronouns who in Novel Evil Under the sun By Agatha Christie Into Indonesian. STBA LIA.

Sapartini, Tuti (2006) Penerapan Genchi Genbutsu untuk menangani masalah kualitas produk Di PT Nusa Toyotetsu Corp. STBA LIA.

Sari, Ledia Kartika (2006) Proses Rekruitmen klien pada perusahaan periklanan. STBA LIA.

Sari, Ratih Puspita (2006) Penerapan 5S pada pekerja di PT Pulo Gadung Pawitra Laksana. STBA LIA.

Sari, Rizky Amelia (2006) Bagian Ketatalaksanaan DEPNAKER & Transmigraasi. STBA LIA.

Sari.S., Yasmine Indah (2006) The Analysis of Women and Men Gossip Conversation in Friends Sitcom Series. STBA LIA.

Sofhieyani, Maiquindri (2006) SDN Cililitan 03 Pagi. STBA LIA.

Somawi, Irena Melania (2006) An Analysis on Cohesion and Coherence in Eric Sanvoisin's Short Story, Little Red Ink Drinker. STBA LIA.

Sri L., Ni Putu (2006) Perubahan budaya makan ditinjau dari struktur keluarga jepang dewasa ini. STBA LIA.

Sudjadi, Dhita Novita (2006) The Analysis Of Ono mato to Poeia translation in bilingual comic Magazine of the very best of Donald Duck 0f 4th edition. STBA LIA.

Suharti, Tati (2006) The Puzzle Techniques in Acquiring the Mastery of English Vocabulary of the second grade students of SMKN 18 Pondok Pinang ,jakarta. STBA LIA.

Sumirat, Tuti (2006) An analysis of some common errors in the use of verb which affect the writing ability of composition II students in the D III program at STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Sutaniah, Sutaniah (2006) Analysis Progressive Aspect of Verbs and Phrasal Verbs "L.E. Blair's Girl Talk". STBA LIA.


Tania, Angelia (2006) Menghilangnya semangat kesetiaan Bushido dan pengaruhnya terhadap memudarnya sistem Shushinkoyo. STBA LIA.

Triyaningsih, Sulis (2006) PT Angkasa Pura II Bandara Halim Perdanakusuma. STBA LIA.


Utami, Sri (2006) BNN. STBA LIA.


Veronika, Stella (2006) An Analysis on the Translation of Morphosyntactic Neologisms in the Fifth and Sixth Series of Harry Potter. STBA LIA.

Viviandika, Viviandika (2006) Kurisumasu sebagai atarashii nenchuugyouji dalam keluarga jepang perkotaan. STBA LIA.


Wahyu H., Noni (2006) Keterwakilan kehidupan kaum Gay dalam Novel Kirakira Hikaru karya Kaori Ekuni. STBA LIA.

Wahyudin, Wahyudin (2006) The Analysis of Imperative Forms and Politeness Strategy in Gilmore Girls TV Series. STBA LIA.

Wahyuni, Era (2006) The Analysis of Pragmatic Functions of Tag Question Used in Danielle Steel "Star". STBA LIA.

Wahyuni, Husnul Tri (2006) Laporan PKL. STBA LIA.

Wahyuni, Ricca (2006) A Reflection of Student's Speaking Scores to Their Speaking Participation in the Classroom A Case Study in D6X Speaking Class at LIA School of Foreign Language. STBA LIA.

Wibawa, Fajar (2006) PT Inkatama Semesta. STBA LIA.

Widiarti, Diana (2006) A Love Affair Causing Dishonesty in Marriage in two Poems: Living in Sin by Adrienne Rich & Reading Scheme by Wendy Cope. STBA LIA.

Wijaya, Prakosonoto Ami (2006) An Analysis of Translation of Maritime Terminology In Introductory shipping Business Handbook from English into Indonesian. STBA LIA.

Wulandari, Savitri (2006) An Analysis of the Translation of English Collocation into Indonesian in Yann Martel's Novel Life of PI. STBA LIA.


Yuanita, Fely (2006) Bagian Tata Usaha Badan Arsip Nasional RI. STBA LIA.

Yuliana, Yuliana (2006) Tugas dan Fungsi Editorial C'ns Junior pada Pusat Penerbitan LIA. STBA LIA.

Yulianto, Ferry (2006) Representation of Life Styke in Mobile Phone Advertisement. STBA LIA.

Yulistianto, Resa (2006) Penataan Arsip di PT. Telkom. STBA LIA.


Zubair, Mochammad (2006) Museum Nasional. STBA LIA.

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