Items where Subject is "Bahasa Inggris"

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Number of items at this level: 845.


-, - -. -. (Unpublished)


., . Gabungan PKM. .. (Unpublished)

., . Gabungan PKM. .. (Unpublished)

., . Gabungan PKM. .. (Unpublished)

., . Penguji TA. .. (Unpublished)

., . SK PA dosen prodi Inggris. .. (Unpublished)

., . SK023 Penetapan Senat Universitas LIA. .. (Unpublished)

., . Surat penugasan no.007 semester Gasal 2023-2024. .. (Unpublished)

., . Surat penugasan sebagai penguji TA Prodi B. Jepang. .. (Unpublished)

., . Surat penugasan wakil rektor. .. (Unpublished)

., . Surat penugasan wakil rektor 1. .. (Unpublished)

., . Surat rekomendasi MSIB Batch 6. .. (Unpublished)

., . Tim pengelola RPL. .. (Unpublished)

., . Tim pengelola RPL. .. (Unpublished)


Aatiko, Iko (2005) Construction of "the Other Woman" A Gynocriticts Study on Anne Sexton Poems, "for My Lover, Returning to his Wfe' and Buying the Whore. STBA LIA.

Abdurakhman, Azwar Aborigines Critics Toward Colonialism In two Poems no more Boomerang and we are going by Oodgeroo Noonnucal. STBA LIA.

Abednego, Akwilagus (2005) The Internal and External Modification of Request Speech Acts in the Movie "the Godfather". STBA LIA.

Abidah, Sa'wanatul (2011) Evaluation of Post-Communicative Activities in Teaching English. STBA LIA.

Adelia, Difa (2022) An analysis of types of swear words and swear word translation techniques in uncut gems movie. STBA LIA.

Adenita, Adenita (2003) PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa Cabang Utama Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Adhini R., Irma (2009) The analysis on differences between Men's and transvestite's speech style in King Boots Movie Directed by Joel Edgerton. STBA LIA.

Adhitama, Anton (2003) Racial Prejudice in to Kill A Mockingbird That Brings The Moral Philosophical Lesson. STBA LIA.

Adhyanti, Patricia S. (2003) An Analysis of The Two Black Female Characters in Struggling Against Racism and Its Impact on Them in The Bluest Rye (Toni Morrison ). STBA LIA.

Adhyanti, Patricia S. (2003) An Analysis of The Two Black Female Characters in Struggling Against Racism and Its Impact on Them in The Bluest Rye (Toni Morrison ). STBA LIA.

Adi, Tegar Bangun Mulia (2020) An Analysis game translation in Clash of Clan video games by Supercell. STBA LIA.

Adianti, Ayu Sari (2006) Love & Misery into Poems "Sorting Laundry" by Elisa Vietta Ritchie & "the Want of You" by Anonymous. STBA LIA.

Adikusuma, Iqbal Vega (2023) An Error Analysis on the Subtitles of BBC'S Sherlock series available on Layar Kaca 21 Based on FAR Model. STBA LIA.


Adipta, Hadena (2022) Translation shifts analysis in the social dilemma documantary movie subtitle. STBA LIA.

Aditya, Fikri (2022) A Comparison of News writing styles in sports articles about Euro 2020 in Magazine and Newspaper. STBA LIA.

Afero, David (2014) The news writing styles of hard news articles about football matches at STBA LIA.

Afifah, Dinar Arifany (2020) A study of swear word types and translation procedures in Deadpool 2 movie subtitle. STBA LIA.

Afridayani, Merry (2007) An analysis of the translation of english gerund into indonesian in the novel the dominant blonde. STBA LIA.

Afritianti, Riana (2015) Analysis of grammatical cohesion of essay writing of students of English department at STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Agusta, Darma (2004) The Analysis of Soekarno's Speech Text ''Let a new Asia and A New Africa be Born'' As a Tool of Indonesian Government Diplomacy. STBA LIA.

Agustin, Amelia (2022) An analysis of the types of dysphemisms and the subtitling translation strategies of dysphemisms in Euphoria series season 1. STBA LIA.

Agustina, Sri Wahyuni (2004) A Study of Five Female Characters and Their Roles in Harry Potter's Life in Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets. STBA LIA.

Ahmadhi B., Muh.Rizqie (2009) An analysis on the translation of political and administrative lexical items from Indonesian into english in Tempo magazine. STBA LIA.

Aida, Karima Nurrachman (2014) A Classroom Discourse Analysis Using Sinclair and Coulthard’s Rank Scale at English for Teens LBPP LIA Pengadegan. STBA LIA.


Aisyah, Siti Redhalana (2021) An analysis of idiom translation strategies an Enola Holmes movie subtitle. STBA LIA.

Aisyarifah, Aisyarifah (2022) Semiotic analysis on Sprite advertisements uploaded by Google Sources. STBA LIA.

Akbar, M Rosyid (2008) An Analysis on the Translation of Indonesian Interrogative Sentences Into English In The Novel Calon Arang By Pramoedya Ananta Noer. STBA LIA.

Akbarullah, Zico (2007) The Translation of indonesian serial verbs into english in tempo magazine. STBA LIA.

Akmalia, Hastya Dwi (2020) An Analysis of Idioms Translation in “Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban” Novel. STBA LIA.

Akmalia, Hastya Dwi (2020) An analysis of idioms translation in "Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban" Novel. STBA LIA.

Alam, Friella Maulani (2010) The translation of english Banking terminologies used in Bank Jabar Banten. STBA LIA.


Alandia, Syarifah (2020) An analysis of the translation of phrasal verbs in the American sitcom "Friends". STBA LIA.

Alfarah, Hazimah Leonni (2022) A translation analysis of figurative language in Cruella movie. STBA LIA.

Aljousha R., Putri (2010) Some problems in the teaching and learning of speaking 2 as observed in the speaking final test. STBA LIA.

Almadea, Ausy Syahdilla (2023) A Framing analysis of the news of Israel killing journalist in the Guardian. STBA LIA.

Alpheratz, Luthfi (2023) Writing System Analysis in UEFA Champions League Articles on FourFour Two Website. STBA LIA.

Alwina, Alwina (2020) Semiotic analysis of Mascara advertisement. STBA LIA.

Amaliah, Nuni (2006) The Analysis of Hedging Devices on Making Disagreement in Smallville TV Series. STBA LIA.

Amalya, Amalya (2006) The Comparison of Using Total Physical Response and Using Picture in Teaching imperactive to fourth year students of SD Swasta Model Islamic Village Karawaci. STBA LIA.

Amarilla, Amarilla (2004) Joe's Anxiety in A Short Play "The Call" by William Inge". STBA LIA.

Ambarwati, Sulistianing (2019) The grammatical error analysis on students writing assignments. STBA LIA.

Amelia, Dyah Catur (2008) The Translation of The Functions of the Preposition For in Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire Movie. STBA LIA.

Amilia, Ika Bukti Pembimbingan TA Hendrik. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Amilia, Ika Bukti Pembimbingan TA Jessica. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Amilia, Ika Bukti Pengabdian Section Editor Lingua. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Amilia, Ika Bukti Pengajaran Kemahiran Berbahasa Inggris Dasar D5A. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Amilia, Ika Bukti Pengajaran Kemahiran Berbahasa Inggris Dasar S5A. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Amilia, Ika Bukti Pengajaran Seminar Proposal Penelitian Pariwisata. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Amilia, Ika Bukti Pengajaran Seminar Proposal Penelitian Penerjemahan. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Amilia, Ika Surat Rekomendasi Koordinator Kampus Mengajar. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Amilia, Ika Surat Tugas Pembimbing MBKM Transfer Kredit dengan UTI. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Amini, Soraya (2023) An Analysis of lead about fashion and lifestyle in Harper's bazaar magazine. STBA LIA.


Anderson.P., Raymond (2005) The Analysis of Pragmatics Meaning of Slang Words in American Pie Movie. STBA LIA.

Andini, Vita Tri (2015) Teachers questions posed in classroom interaction at English Language Program (ELP) Cibubur. STBA LIA.

Andriani, Yulianita Putri Speech Acts Reflecting Racism in the Movie Crash. STBA LIA.

Andriny, Wachyu Arie (2004) The Influence Of Visual Aids In Pre-Reading To The Achievement Of Reading Comprehension Class in SMU 2 Depok. STBA LIA.

Andriyani, Dian (2008) Translation Analysis of Subordinate Conjunction As In The Novel Irresistible Forces By Danielle Steel. STBA LIA.


Anggraeni, Devi Shinta (2010) The Implementation of Teacher Roles Towards Fifth Grade Students in Five Public Elementary School in Depok. STBA LIA.

Anggraeni, Dwi (2014) Teaching using video in improving students vocabulary in the third grade at Rifa's Education English Course. STBA LIA.

Anggraeni, Novianti (2008) The translation of acronyms From Indonesian Into English in Tempo Magazine. STBA LIA.

Anggraeni, Novita (2012) The Influence of giving feedback to students progress in speaking class. STBA LIA.

Angraeni, Cici Dwi (2020) An analysis of shifts in the translation of Rich People Problems novel from English into Indonesian. STBA LIA.

Angraini, Muthia The Efects Of Using Film In Teaching English To Students Of Intermediate Level at CEL Cawang ( A Case Study). STBA LIA.

Anindi, Divya Ardhya A analysis of article lead on beauty topics in Vogue Magazine. STBA LIA.

Anto, Mulya (2004) A City Seen From Different Perspectives in Chicago By Carl Sandburg (1916) And Chicago Poem by Lew Welch (1956). STBA LIA.

Anugrah, Yahsa Septa (2022) Types of slang words and their english to Indonesian language translation strategies in Spiderman homecoming movie. STBA LIA.

Anwar, Saeful (2005) Text Analysis on Language Used in Reports of Sexual Crime Againsts Women and Victims of Child Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation in the Jakarta Post. STBA LIA.

Apriana R., Sari (2004) The Use Of Note Taking Strategies ( A Case Study In Current Consideration Of Teaching English As A Foreign Language Class at STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.


Aprilia, Nurul Eka (2020) An analysis of the translation of phrasal verb and its translation techniques in novel "a Court of Thrones and Roses" by Sarah J. Maas. STBA LIA.


Aprillia, Syarah (2020) he analysis of translation errors by Google translate in translating English-Indonesian article The Coronavirus: What Sciencetists Have Learned so Far. STBA LIA.

Apriyani, Siti (2004) Storytelling In Children Learning english Classroom. STBA LIA.

Ardiansyah, Ardiansyah (2012) The Framing analysis on articles about PSSI's crisis under Nurdin Halid's leadership at STBA LIA.

Ardyaningrum, Kharisma (2005) How Effective Seating Arrengement Can Enhance Learning in the Language Classroom at Community English Program (CEP) of STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Arfiani, Emma Rosalia (2012) An analysis on the translation of cultural word in the novel Shack by Wm. Paul Young. STBA LIA.

Arie S., Ellyana Juwita (2006) The Comparison Between Extensive Reading Program and Intensive Reading in Enriching Students vocabulary at SMP Negeri 43 Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Arieska, Putri (2012) Reliability of Text Understanding Final Tests : A Case Study. STBA LIA.

Arisandy, Yuni (2010) The Implementation of Pre-Communicative Activities in Teaching Speaking and Writing: A Case Study at "Mils" English Course. STBA LIA.

Ariyani, Rina (2004) Translating English Definite And Indefinie Articles Into Indonesian In Pelican Brief By John Grisham. STBA LIA.

Ariyanti, Fitri (2012) Teaching styles analysis and students response in SMP N 07 Utan Kayu, East Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Armansyah, Wismoyo (2017) Analysis of imagery translation in Laskar Pelangi novel by Andrea Hirata and its translated version. STBA LIA.

Arta, Qairani (2006) The Use of Irony from Pragmatics Point of View in the First Five Series of "Harry Potter". STBA LIA.

Artharini, Fika (2005) The Analysis of References in the Body Copy Text of Skin Care Advertisements. STBA LIA.

Artharini, Fika (2005) The Analysis of References in the Body Copy Text of Skin Care Advertisements. STBA LIA.

Asia, Anita Putri (2022) Sara Mills'critical discourse analysis on the Jakarta Post Media: Sexual abuse of underage girls case. STBA LIA.

Asih, Susi (2008) Coherence Problems In These OF STBA LIA Students. STBA LIA.

Asmara, Eka Ariesta (2009) An Analysis of Culture Word Translation In Jazz 101 A Complete Guide To Loving and Learning Jazz Book. STBA LIA.

Asnari, Indri (2008) Story Retelling An Acquisition Activity Of Intensive Reading At SMU Agape BKKK Tangerang. STBA LIA.

Astri, Betsy Dian (2004) Correction Symbols: Another Option In Helping Student's Self-Correction In Writing. STBA LIA.

Astuti, Anggraeni Dwi (2007) The Concept Of Death In A Dirge, Song And Remembeer Poem By Christina Rossetti. STBA LIA.

Astuti, Netty Indri (2010) An analysis of humor translation in garfield comics. STBA LIA.

Astutiningsih, Sri An Analysis Of Code Switching In The Book Mencuri Kejernihan Dari Kerancuan : Suatu Eksperimen dalam Komunikasi by Wilmar Witoelar. STBA LIA.

Atia, Jumratul (2004) The Pragmatic Analysis Of Interjection "OH" In everwood - The Series. STBA LIA.

Atia, Jumratul (2004) The Pragmatic Analysis Of Interjection "OH" In everwood - The Series. STBA LIA.

Aulia, Annisa Zahrah (2022) An analysis of article lead on fashion Nesw in Harper's Bazaar. STBA LIA.


Aulia, Sabrina (2021) An analysis of the translation of idiomatic expression in subtitle and dubbing of a movie Tangled. STBA LIA.

Aulia, Salsa Bila (2024) An Analysis of types of swear words and translation techniques in the Gray man Subtitle. Other thesis, Universitas LIA.

Auliani, Rachma (2010) An Analysis of the English Translation of Verb Phrase in Conditional Sentences in Novel Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. STBA LIA.

Auralia, Annisa (2022) The analysis of translation shift and equivalence of ballads the squire. STBA LIA.

Aviana, Vivi (2015) The analysis of the translation of idioms in Diary of a Wimpy kid: dog days graphic novel by Jeff Kinney. STBA LIA.

Avrianti, Rani (2020) Problematic Bills (RUU KUHP) in the Jakarta Post and the New York Times online newspapers: framing analysis. STBA LIA.

Ayu, Neri Sekar (2007) Marriage conflict in mortimers's family in short story the good corn by H.E Bates. STBA LIA.

Ayu R.B, Ajeng (2012) The Role if gender in the use of direct learning strategies in second grade of SMU Negeri 4 Bekasi. STBA LIA.

Ayunda, Shelsya Dilla Rizky (2023) Writing style analysis on fashion articles written by citizen journalists in the UK. STBA LIA.

Ayuningtyas, Poerwo Ajeng (2012) Analysis of the Indonesian translation of metaphors in the novel The Book of Lost Things by John Connoly. STBA LIA.

Aziza, Keisya Putri (2023) An analysis of idiomatic expression category and translation strategy in the lucifer series. STBA LIA.

akbar, Jamalludin (2021) An analysis on the translation of cultural words in thr crazy rich asians film subtittle from english to indoneisan. STBA LIA.

amalis, Annisa (2021) Foreign language speaking anxiety : A case of english departement students at STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.

andini, Dinar widya (2021) An analysis of swear word types and translation techniques in shaft movie subtitles. STBA LIA.

ardiyanti, Amelia areta (2021) The correlation between students' self-effecacy and their speaking skills. STBA LIA.


Barus, Thomas (2003) The Analysis of Public Relation Students Compliment Response Expressions at STBA LIA. STBA LIA.

Belini, Debi Citra (2015) Analysis simile translation in Anne of Green Gables novel by Lucy M. Montgomery using categories and strategies by Larson. STBA LIA.

Berliani, Fadhlia (2017) Framing analysis about the insults of the Philippines President, Rodrigo Duterte, toward Barack Obama in STBA LIA.

Bertha, Faustina (2010) An analysis of the translation of idioms in the very best donald duck comics the 18 edition. STBA LIA.

Betaliano, Vikto (2015) An analysis of the English-Indonesian translation of onomatopoeic words in the comic Lucky Luke: the Dalton cousins. STBA LIA.

Boedihardjo, Ramadhani (2012) An anlysis of the translation of simile in the Perry Jackson and the Olympians novels by Rick Riordan. STBA LIA.

Bonita, Mega Puspa (2019) Translations analysis of imagery in the novel A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks and its translated version Kan Ku Kenang Selalu. STBA LIA.

Buadiarti, Lina (2006) Text Analysis of Topic Marking and Cohesive Devices on the four essays: "The Star", "Hommaking", Why Smaller Refrigerator Can Preserve Human Race" and "Barbie and her Playmates". STBA LIA.

Budiningsih, Indah (2012) Analysis of face and content validity of basic english structure in middle term test of 2009/2010 academic year of STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.


Cahyo, Abednego (2022) An analysis of cultural references and subtitling strategies og British culture-bound terms in the TV series downtown abbey season 1 ( a thesis). STBA LIA.

Camelia, Camelia (2022) An error analysis of English-Indonesia subtitle translation in avengers: Endgame. STBA LIA.

Carmono, Carmono (2008) Teaching grammar using Inductive Learning Technique to National English Centre's Students at level six B in Rawamangun Branch. STBA LIA.

Cesarrini, Erby Widya (2012) Translation of idiomatic expressions in the novel Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. STBA LIA.

Cevania, Denisa (2022) Denotative and connotative words in the three self-Confidence song lyrics: A Semiotic analysis. STBA LIA.

Chalipah, Nur (2012) The validity of English multiple choise tests for the eight grades in junior high school 1 Cikarang Barat. STBA LIA.

Chandra, Dinda Mylitta (2009) An Analysis on Shift in the Translation of English Post Modifiers on Noun Phrase into Indonesian the Novel Memoir's of Gisha by Arthur Golden. STBA LIA.

Chania, Ratna (2007) An Analysis of Tag Questiona Functioning as Face Threatening Act (FTA) and Face Saving Act (FSA) in the O.C. Drama Series. STBA LIA.

Chavvah, Sarah Vania (2013) Translation analysis on cooking terminologi in cooking book Masakan Indonesia. STBA LIA.

Christie, Vanessa (2015) The analysis of the translation of English figurative language in John Green's The Fault in our stars into Indonesian. STBA LIA.

Chumaidi, Chumaidi A semiotic analysis on online running shoes advertisement. STBA LIA.

Cindy, Cindy (2020) Themes and techniques of swear words in movie translation. STBA LIA.

Cyntia, Cyntia (2020) Semiotic analysisof high end perfume advertisement. STBA LIA.

carein, Aisya (2021) A semiotic analysis of lipstick advertisement by using ronald barthes`theory. STBA LIA.


chabarsyah, Putri aqila (2021) An analysis if archaic words in the indonesian translation v ersion of '' The viscount who loved me '' novel. STBA LIA.


Dachlan, Heryanto (2006) A Development Character of Mrs. Popov from Weak into Tough Woman in the Short Play The Boor by Anton Chekov. STBA LIA.

Damayanti, Chandra A. (2003) Translating Food Terminology from English Into Indonesian. STBA LIA.

Damayanti, Kartini Utami (2013) An analysis of the translationin the Stephenie Mayers Twilight. STBA LIA.

Dantjie, Addelin Merzyana (2016) A semiotic analysis of Coca-cola advertisement by using Charles Sander Pierce's theory. STBA LIA.

Danu, Agustinus (2006) A Struggle of a Nine-Year-Old Girl to be Treated Equally in a Short Story The Stolen Party Written by Liliana Heker and Translated by Alberto Manguel. STBA LIA.

Danu, Riyan (2007) The translation of code mixing in novel jendela-jendela from indonesian into english. STBA LIA.


Dari, Desi Katri Wulan (2022) Teacher's self evaluation in lesson plan's classroom implementation. STBA LIA.

Darmastuti, Tri Utami (2015) Analysis of the implementation of lesson plan based on Brown at LBPP LIA Pasar Minggu and Kelapa Gading. STBA LIA.

Darmawan, Dany (2006) The Translation of Mobile Phone Guide Book and Its Terminology. STBA LIA.

Darmayanti, Shinta Aisa (2023) Analisis teknik penerjemahan Metafora pada lirik lagu Band Back Number berjudul Happy End dan Mabataki. STBA LIA.

Dasuki, Christin Dewi (2006) The Analysis of Apologizing Expressions Used in the Novel Entitled "Yhe Mirror of Her Dreams by Stephen R. Donaldson. STBA LIA.


Denaneer, Lean (2021) Analysis of news values on jakarta post's articles about covid - 19. STBA LIA.

Desnisa, Thamirabell Amalia (2021) Translation procedures of cultural terms in percy jackson '' The last olympian '' novel by rick riordan. STBA LIA.

Dewa, Anton Nugraha (2007) Criteria Uses of Question in Interviews with Kate Winslet. STBA LIA.

Dewi, Heryanti (2006) The Influence of Politeness and Power and Solidarity Concept in Speech Act Request in Home. STBA LIA.

Dewi, Heryanti (2006) The Influence of Politeness and Power and Solidarity Concept in Speech Act Request in Home. STBA LIA.

Dewi, Mitharia Novita (2011) The Politeness Strategy Used in Advising in the TV Series Beverly Hills 90210 The Next generation. STBA LIA.

Dewi, Putu Suparliana (2011) The Strategies of Translating of cultural words in the novel the princess diaries: Princess in Pink. STBA LIA.

Dewi, Rahma Puspitasari (2023) Text analysis on the Jakarta Post articles about Korean celebrity fashion. Other thesis, STBA LIA.

Dharmawan, Muhammad Taufiq (2017) The framing analysis on the articles of New York Times on the ISIS existence. STBA LIA.

Dharmawan, Yoga (2020) An analysis of figurative languages translation in Green Street movie by Lexi Alexander. STBA LIA.

Dhiarafah, Faiz Afio (2019) Critical discourse analysis about violence againts woman. STBA LIA.

Diah, Istiwarni (2006) The Deep Structure Analysis of Emily Dickinson's Poems. STBA LIA.

Dian I.T., Rumondang (2007) The analysis of face threatening act (FTA) causes face saving act(FSA) in the form of other initited other -repaired repair in desperate hausewives drama comedy TV series. STBA LIA.

Diani, Antonia Venata (2004) Displacement and Contruction of Identity Experienced By Inge in Heartland. STBA LIA.

Diano, Harry Michael Frans (2013) An analysis about cohesive devices on The Jakarta Post article entiteled "a little diversion on the way to lake Toba". STBA LIA.

Diliahni, Mita (2016) The analysis of transition in teaching and learning process in English for children level 4A at LBPP LIA Pasar Minggu. STBA LIA.

Dirah, Dirah (2022) Framing analysis the plane crash of Sriwiajaya SJ 182 Jakarta Post news. STBA LIA.

Dirani, Selma Giolinna Palmara (2022) Teachers' Reflective practice for ICT, CFT during online teaching. STBA LIA.

Djubaedah, siti (2022) The use of cognitive strategies in listening comprehension class. STBA LIA.

Dormiana S., Evi (2010) Implementation of cooperative learning by small grouping: A case study at intermediate 4 class of suri school of english. STBA LIA.

Dorty, Dorty (2006) Parent's Involvement in Motivating Their Children in Learning English And Its effect on children's achievement. STBA LIA.

Dwi, Fransiskus Marianto (2006) An Anlysis on the Accuracy of Trans Tool in Translating a Text Return of the Rebellon. STBA LIA.

Dwijayanti, Ria (2007) The Strategy of Apologies Based on Gender in "Tru Calling" TV Series. STBA LIA.

Dyah S., Yunita Eka (2011) Differences between men's and women's speech act of complimenting in the movie pretty woman. STBA LIA.


Ekawati, Anita Dewi (2009) Teaching Vocabulary By Using Song To The Sixth Grade Students in SD Angkasa Halim perdanakusuma jakarta timur. STBA LIA.

Ekayani, Sri Nur The Effects Of Racism To Sandy's Family and How Sandy Struggles Against Racism to Have His Identity In The Novel Not without Laughter By James Langston Hughes. STBA LIA.

Ekowati, Yuli (2004) "The Journey of Love" in Wendy Cope'S from June to December. STBA LIA.

Elandho, Hanny (2010) The use of phonics method in teaching reading english new words to the kindergarten students of ceria montessori school. STBA LIA.

Elizabet, Priska Elfrida (2011) An Analysis of the Translation of Personifications from English into Indonesian in the Novel New Moon By Stephenie Meyer. STBA LIA.

Elsyafira, Nadia (2020) An analysis of the translation of metaphors in Pramoedya Ananta Toer's Bumi Manusia from Indonesian to English. STBA LIA.

Elysabet, Elysabet (2009) Thanking Expressions Related to Preferred and Dispreferred Responses in the princess Diaries the movie. STBA LIA.

Erawati, Mawar Santi (2007) Response of Addressee in Misunderstanding. STBA LIA.

Eric, Johannes (2004) The Conflict two generations in Amy Tans The joy lucky club. STBA LIA.

Erricson, Erricson (2005) Relations of Claims to Maxims Violation and the Implicature Implied in Magazine Watch Ads Analysis. STBA LIA.

Eva, Sacharani W (2004) An Analysis Of The Inability Of Miss Emily Grierson To Exist As An Individual Shown In A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner. STBA LIA.


Fachriyana, Neng (2004) The Use Of Semiotic Triangle Approach On The Analysis of Figurative Like-Similes In D. H. Lawrence's Novel " Lady Chatterley's Lover". STBA LIA.

Fadhilah, Saena Indadzi (2015) Analysis error in translation of public notices in SDN 01 Pagi Cijantung and SDN 011 Petang Cijantung. STBA LIA.

Fadhilah, Winda Nisrina (2020) An analysis of linguistic features in the New York Times news headline. STBA LIA.

Fadillah, Fadillah (2011) A contrastive analysis of passive forms in english simple sentences in death in the clouds novel and passive forms in indonesian simple sentences in Ayat-ayat cinta novel. STBA LIA.

Fahira, Hana (2022) Denotative and connotative meaning in two songs writen Auli'I Cravalho: A Semiotic analysis. STBA LIA.

Fahmi, Amy (2005) Storytelling in Children Classroom. STBA LIA.

Fajariah, Septi (2014) Teun van Dijk's critical discourse analysis on ideology of articles entitled "Mother monster apologizes to little monster" and " You're born this way, Indonesia" at the STBA LIA.

Fani, Marina Christy (2006) Internal & External Modification of Complaints as Found in the TV Situation Comedy Series Friends. STBA LIA.

Faradhila, Vathia (2014) An analysis on the lead of news in the headline articles on the Jakarta Post print newspaper. STBA LIA.

Fatimah, Siti (2021) Translation analysis of idiomatic expression of feelings in the Secret of the haunted mirror by Alfred Hitchcock and its Indonesian translation Misteri cermin berhantu. STBA LIA.

Fatimah, Siti (2010) A critical discourse Analysis of articles about gas explosion at the STBA LIA.

Fatmawaty, Ema (2007) An Analysis of translation equivalence of metaphor in khalil Gibran poem the prophet from english into indoenesian. STBA LIA.

Fauzi, Gilang Ahmad (2009) Inter-rater reability: the most reliable method in scoring essay using primary trait method and analytic method. STBA LIA.

Fauziah, Lediana (2012) The Effects of using guessing games on the speaking ability of children. STBA LIA.

Fauziah, Nyimas (2009) The Politeness Strategy in Forbidding Speech Act in Heroes Movies Series. STBA LIA.

Fauziah, Syarah (2008) The analysis of modal expressions from pragmatic perspectives in Ally Mc Beal Television series. STBA LIA.

Febriano, Valentino (2006) Mary's Journey to Her Adulthood in Short Story "Ta-Na-E-Ka" by Mary Whitebird. STBA LIA.

Febrinaldo, Febrinaldo (2005) Maxim violation from the interview of Mulyana W.Kusuma. STBA LIA.

Felani S., Adnovria (2006) Teaching Vocabulary by Guessing Meaning from Context Strategy: Classroom Action Research (CAR). STBA LIA.

Fernandez, Heidy Oktavianita (2013) An analysis of the modulation categories in the translation of 4.50 From Paddington novel by Agatha Christie. STBA LIA.

Fernando, Richi (2011) An Analysis of Translation of English Verbs With Suffix-Ing into Indonesian in Novel New Moon. STBA LIA.


Fiani, Caroline Noni (2021) Students motivation in learning writing online. STBA LIA.


Fikri, Salwa aulia (2021) An analysis of lead on happer's bazzar online website about beauty news. STBA LIA.

Fionawati, Anggita (2012) Teaching vocabular through pictures to English for children (EC) level students at LBPP Kelapa Gading. STBA LIA.

Firdaus, Ahmad (2012) A Study of content validity and face validity of the English final term test (Ujian Kenaikan Kelas) for the Eight graders of Junior High School 244 Jakarta 2011/2012. STBA LIA.

Firdaus, Ridwan (2005) Causes and triggers of asthma. STBA LIA.

Firdaus, Zulfan Maulana AzZaki (2024) An Analysis of leads of the Articles about War between Russia and Ukraine in Universitas LIA.

Firmansya, Ari (2008) An Analysis Of Topic Change Markers in Subtitling In the Avatar Movie. STBA LIA.

Fitriani, Ciput (2011) The Analysis of Directive Speech Act Related to Power and Solidarity Based on the Movie the proposal. STBA LIA.

Fitriani, Nita (2022) EFL teachers' strategy of effective questioning. STBA LIA.

Franki, Roy (2014) A framing analysis on two headline articles about Corby Clemency reports at STBA LIA.


Gandhi, Biairya (2008) The Strunggle of Sayuri In Order to Get Her Identity In her Life as a Geisha in Memoirs of a Geisha a Novel By Arthur Golden. STBA LIA.

Getsemani, Citra (2022) Investigating the use of discourse markets learners in their speaking performance. STBA LIA.

Ginorsa, Sherra (2023) Text analysis of Crash News in The Jakarta Post Article: A Study of Critical Discourse Analysis. STBA LIA.

Giovanny, Elvry Elisabeth (2010) The Translation of English Determiner into Indonesian in the Novel The Girl Who Played Go by Shan Sa and its Translated Version Gadis Pemain Go by Amanda Casimira. STBA LIA.

Gulo, Melia Kurniawati (2005) The Power of Love a Study of The Development of the Main Characters in the Novel "The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. STBA LIA.

Gusniawan, Pajri (2023) Analysis of lead and figurative language in sports illustrated magazine. STBA LIA.


Gustiasi, Sasa (2020) The translation analysis of slang words: a study of sociological properties in slang translation from Bad boys for live movie subtitle. STBA LIA.


Habiba, Mutiara (2020) Ideology of translation in Indonesian to English movie subtitle. STBA LIA.

Haerani, Dian (2008) The Translation of Collocation from english into Indonesian :an analysis in the Film Pirates of the Caribbean the curse of the black Pearl. STBA LIA.

Halim, Claudia Secorini (2005) The Rhetorical reading of milk mustache printed ads. STBA LIA.

Handayani, Dewi Saputri (2006) Difficulties Encountered by STBA LIA Teacher's in Teaching Reading in Reading Comprehension I Morning Classes at STBA LIA Pengadegan: A Case Study. STBA LIA.

Handayani, Puput Tri (2011) The Analysis of Declarative Speech Act Based on Power and Solidarity and Politeness Strategy in the Tudors Movie Series. STBA LIA.

Handayani, Risma (2004) Face Saving Act in Appologizing in Two Enid Blyton's Novels, House at The Corner and The Family at the Red-Roofs. STBA LIA.

Handoko, Dandi (2005) Building Children's Vocabulary Using the Zone of Proximal Development Theory. STBA LIA.

Happy C., Prima (2009) Discourse Analysis of Barack Obama. STBA LIA.

Hapsari, Irmawati (2011) Discourse Analysis on Cohesion in an Article. STBA LIA.

Harjanto, Badi (2006) Indonesian Grammatical Interference of ILP (International Language Program) Course Beginner Students in Learning English as a Foreign Language. STBA LIA.

Harmon, Ardi (2010) An Anlaysis on Siggesting Speech Acts by Male and Female Characters in Charlies's Angels: Get Some Action Movie. STBA LIA.

Harriyanto, Julpra Eka (2004) A Case Study of Speech Act Apology in English, In Contax of Sixty-Semester Students of English Departement of STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Harumi W., Rini (2010) The anaysis on differences of the use of lexical cohesion in narrative and expository. STBA LIA.

Hasanah, Nur (2007) The Analysis Of Semi Modals Translation In A Novel Prince Caspian By C.S Lewis. STBA LIA.

Hasanah, Uswati (2015) The types errors in recount text written by students of SMAN 4 Bekasi. STBA LIA.

Hasni, Rizka Alvina (2023) An analysis of translation quality assessment of idoms in where she went novel by Gayle Forman. STBA LIA.

Hayu, Rari Makraning (2009) The Translation of Upward and Downward Collocations in Disney Children's Encyclopedia Dynosaurs by Jinny Johson. STBA LIA.

Hayyu, Titian Mardiana (2007) The Analysis of Repair Strategy Interpreted as Face Threatening Acts in the O.C. Drama Series. STBA LIA.


Haza, Afra (2020) Error analysis of Google translate from English to Indonesian in the prologueof The Davinci Code novel. STBA LIA.

Haza, Afra (2020) Error analysis of google translate from english to Indonesian in the prologue of the da vinci code novel. STBA LIA.

Heglisa, Intan Beauty (2012) A framing analysis on three headline articles about cabinet reshuffle issues in the Jakarta Post. STBA LIA.


Helsa, Helsa (2021) An overview of English language teaching history: A Library research. STBA LIA.

Hendri, Joko (2014) An analysis of idiom translation in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. STBA LIA.

Heramono, Marina (2006) How Vengeance Changes a Naïve into a Hateful Person in the Novel the Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. STBA LIA.

Herawani, Neng (2006) An analysis Of The Translation Of The Infinitive In The Novel Ordeal By Agatha Christie. STBA LIA.

Herawati, Oktavia A Framing analysis of the article "Bluffs from senayan" in the tempo Magazine. STBA LIA.

Hervinda, Cintya (2012) An anlysis of the English translation of legal terminologies in Undang-Undang No.25 Tahun 2000 tenang perlindungan konsumen as it is translated and peblished by CyberConsult. STBA LIA.

Hidayat, Taufik (2006) The Development of the Characters from the Captain and the Correspondent in Their Effort to Survive on the Sea in Short Story "the Open Boat" by Stephen Crane. STBA LIA.

Hidayati, Irma (2004) The imfortance of finding the equivalence word in the process of translating english. STBA LIA.

Huda, Khairul Venus Struggle as an Anglican Woman Priest to get the Acknow ledgment from her family and Parishes. STBA LIA.

Huda, Zhawil (2006) The Morality of hunting in the most dangerous game short story by Richard O'conell. STBA LIA.

Humaira, Ajeng (2015) Semiotic analysis on corruption cases cover of Tempo Magazine. STBA LIA.

Hutapea, Yola Agnesia (2014) A Textual level analysis of an article entitled "fuel protests across the country turn ugly at STBA LIA.

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Ibrahim, Muhammad Farhan (2020) Analysis on simile translation strategy in Cray Rich Asians novel. STBA LIA.

Idrus, Idrus (2007) The Analysis of Simile in The Koran In English Language Translation. STBA LIA.

Ihdalena, Ihdalena (2011) An Analysis on warning expressions in the tv series, prison break. STBA LIA.

Ikdam, Samsul (2010) An Analysis of Translation of English Future Tense in the Novel New Moon by Stepheni Mayer. STBA LIA.

Ilham, Reza (2012) Conversational Analysis on Interpersonal Rhetoric Communication Related to Power and Solidarity in the movie the holiday. STBA LIA.

Iman, Siti Aisyah Nurul (2006) The Struggle of the Main Character, Peter Haskell, in Order to Find Himself Again, in the Danielle Steel's Novel "Five Days in Paris". STBA LIA.

Inayah, Asmia (2012) The Framing Analysis on the articles about the rejection of the FPI existence by the indonesian people in the jakarta post articles. STBA LIA.

Indrawati, Lilis (2003) The Analysis of Code Switching in Supernova ( A Novel bi Dewi Lestari). STBA LIA.

Inodya, Merizka (2010) An Analysis of Slang Words and Phrases in Bad Boys I Movie. STBA LIA.

Iqbal, Muhammad (2007) An Analysis On Translation Of Lexical Ambiguity From english Into Indonesian In Tom Clancy's Novel:Patriot Games. STBA LIA.

Irawati, Lidya (2010) An analysis on the translation of english preposition in,at,and on into indonesian in the spiderwick novel. STBA LIA.

Irmalindra, Deas (2010) Test item analysis based on item difficulty and discrimination of english final test given to sekolah Dasar Tiara School 3 grade students of academic year 2009-2010. STBA LIA.

Irnawati, Irnawati (2015) English textbook evaluation When English Rings a bell; 2014 for the 8th grade of Junior High School at SMPN 115 Jakarta and SMPN 255 Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Irvingia, Putri (2004) The Strunggle of A Half- caste Man In Reaching his dream An Analysis of The Chant of Jimmie Black smith by Thomas Keneally. STBA LIA.

Iskandar, Maulidya Fitri (2024) An Analysis of Indonesian political election lead articles by TheJakarta Universitas LIA.

Iskandar, Reni (2005) An Analysis On Intra-Sentential Code Switching In Mahadewa Mahadewi Novel By Nova Riyanti Yusuf. STBA LIA.

Iskandar, Reni (2005) An Analysis On Intra-Sentential Code Switching In Mahadewa Mahadewi Novel By Nova Riyanti Yusuf. STBA LIA.

Ismawan, Farras Septadiatama (2023) An Analysis of idiom translation strategies in life and times of scrooge MC Duck comic book. STBA LIA.

Istianto, Devin Firza (2005) The Translation of Descriptive Adjectives in Children's Storybook (aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Monster Inc). STBA LIA.

Iswandari, Amelia Jurnal Bimbingan Skripsi Salsa Bila. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

ibrahim, Muhammad hajar (2021) An analysis of the translation of slangs in spenser confidential movie. STBA LIA.

irfan, Muhammad (2021) A study of error analysis on the translation of gleen Harri's Luxury Tourism articles made by google translate and bing translator. STBA LIA.


ishtifaiyah, Aminatul (2021) Lead analaysis of bbc news regarding harry and meghan markle's royal exit from british royal family. STBA LIA.


Jacoeb, Meirani (2003) The Study of Tasks Given in Teaching Speaking Skill to the Study of STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Jaelani, Abdul Kodir (2004) The Application of Syntactical Theory in STBA LIA Jakarta's Grade Computer Program. STBA LIA.

Janar, Michael (2022) An Analysis of the Translation Strategies and the Types of Figurative Languages in Submarine Movie. STBA LIA.

Jannah, Ines Askhabul (2011) The Translation Analysis of Scientific Terms in Novel State of Fear By Michael Crichton. STBA LIA.

Jehaun, Eusebia Kristianti (2011) An Analysis on Shift in the Translation of Noun Phrase in the Novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland written By Lewis Carrol. STBA LIA.

Jesslyn, Jesslyn (2020) The analysis of translation errors by Google translate in an erotic short story Office Delight. STBA LIA.

Johan, Stefano (2009) An Analysis on Computer Terminology Translation Into Indonesian in Quick Reference Compact Notebook PC. STBA LIA.

Johanes, Ronald (2004) The Translation Of Sport Terminology In Bola Tabloid. STBA LIA.

Josua, Samosir (2020) An analysis of article lead in Harpers Bazaar Magazine. STBA LIA.

Julianti, Evi (2004) An Analysis Of The Translation Of The Terms Of Address In The Movie American Pie 2. STBA LIA.

Juliyantio, Moch.Aulia (2009) The Translation of english gramatical collocations into Indonesian in novel The Girl who played go by Shan Sa. STBA LIA.

Junie Parisyana, Nareswari (2024) Semiotic analysis of three brand concealer advertisement. Universitas LIA.

Junita, Junita (2005) The Phonological Interference of Javanese Language into English. STBA LIA.

Juwita, Ayu (2004) Reconstructing A Woman's place In Freeman's '' The Revolt of Mother''. STBA LIA.


Kania C., Jiesy (2004) An Analysis of Pronouns It Translation From English Into Indonesian In Awake ! Magazine. STBA LIA.

Kartika, Ditta (2005) A Conversation Analysis Turn-Takings and Repairs in the Dawson's Creek Series. STBA LIA.

Kartika, Ditta (2005) A Conversation Analysis Turn-Takings and Repairs in the Dawson's Creek Series. STBA LIA.

Kasiman, Rudi (2006) Social reality of the 19th century england as reflected in bronte's novel Jane Eyre. STBA LIA.

Kemala R., Ranie Nurina (2011) The Analysis of the Translation of Personifications inBreaking Dawn Novel By Stephenie Meyer. STBA LIA.

Kesuma, Rustam Herman (2005) The Use of Writing Dialogues and Peer Correction in Developing Grammatical awareness a Search for an Alternative Grammar Assesment. STBA LIA.

Khaeriah, Khaeriah (2004) An Analysis of Offers and Responses In Franccine Pascal's Novels Trouble Maker and Are We in Love. STBA LIA.

Khairunnisa, Aulia (2016) The analysis on the use of corrective feedbacks by teachers of English for children classes of LBPP LIA Pasar Minggu. STBA LIA.

Khairunnisa, Bella (2020) An analysis of simile on the subtitle of Les Mirables movie. STBA LIA.

Khasanah, Uswatun (2009) An Analysis on The Translation of the Function of Discourse Markers in Meg Gabot's Novel Princess In Love. STBA LIA.

Khilmi, Mochammad Zainal (2022) An analysis of translation strategies types of idiomatic expressions in Ilona Andrews' novel Magic Slay. STBA LIA.

Khotimah, Khusnul (2011) The Analysis of Expressive Speech Act: Maxims and Implication in Ten Things I Hate about you movie. STBA LIA.

Khumairah, Tashyandra Fairuz (2017) Problems and strategies of novice translators conducted under a CTPs experiment. STBA LIA.

Khuriyah, Aenul (2005) The Effects of Using Group Work Activity on the Speaking Ability of Intermediate 1 Students of LBPP LIA Pasar Minggu Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Komala, Keisha Karina (2015) Analysis of pun translation in the 2nd and 5th seasons of Friends. STBA LIA.

Komala, Keisha Karina (2015) Analysis of pun translation in the 2nd and 5th seasons of Friends. STBA LIA.

Komalasari, Imas (2010) Analysis of Grammatical Cohesion: Subtitution and Reference. STBA LIA.

Komariah, Nur (2006) An Analysis of American Slang Translation in the Four Editions of Bilingual Garfield Comics by Jim Davis. STBA LIA.

Komaruddin, Muhammad (2006) An Analysis of the Indonesian Translation of English Inseparable Phrasal Verbs in Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban. STBA LIA.

Konitin, Tinting Ikhtiarti (2010) The Role of Repetition and its Relation with Facial Expression in "Friends" TV Series. STBA LIA.

Kresnalianti P., Anggun (2008) Motivating Students To Learn Vocabulary By Using Video In Higher Intermediate two classes at LBPP LIA Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utara. STBA LIA.

Kristiaji, Catherine Laboure Jessica (2022) The types of metaphors and yhe procedures used to translate English to Indonesian metaphors in circe, a novel by Madeline Miller. STBA LIA.

Kuati, Rohmat (2008) An Analysis Of Cohesion And Coherence In The First Round Capmpaign Of 2004 presidential Election News Of Jakarta Post. STBA LIA.

Kurmala, Azis (2011) An Analysis of Translation of Onomatopoeic Words in the Book, 'Diary of A Wimpy Kid: Greg Heffley's journal'By Jeff Kinney. STBA LIA.

Kurnia, Kaleb (2004) Translation of Christian Terminology in the Bible (The Epistle of Jude). STBA LIA.

Kurniasari, Reynani Fiskalita (2013) The correlation between students listening skill and speaking skill taught in academic listening and discussion skills at STBA LIA Jakarta in academic year 2012/2013. STBA LIA.

Kurniasari, Selly (2007) Strategies of Giving and Responding to Compliments in "Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire" Movie. STBA LIA.

Kurniawan, Yosep (2010) Contrastive analysis of subject and predicate in english and indonesian simple sentences. STBA LIA.

Kusuma, Irine (2003) Teacher's Effort to Accommodate Students' Different Learning Styles. STBA LIA.

Kusumaningrum, Sheila (2015) The caracters of recast used be teacher in conversation class 3 term II/2015 at LBPP LIA Veteran Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Kusumaningrum, Sindhu Irda (2007) Strategies and Internal Modification of Apology in Everwood the Series. STBA LIA.

Kusumaningrum, Yuliawati (2022) An analysis of medical acupunture terminology translation procedures in an article entitled safety of Yamamoto new scalp acupuncture in healthy subjects and the relationship between a shoulder stiffness, diagnosis points, and stimulation points. STBA LIA.

Kusumawardhani, Sandra Aulia (2022) An analysis of translation procedures of accounting terms in accounting: Indonesia Adaptation. STBA LIA.

Kusumawati, Nur Fitri (2016) A componential analysis of cultural words translation in novel Like the moon and the sun. STBA LIA.


Ladiarosma, Merys (2008) Aspect of the power and solidarity in translation pronoun You into indonesian. STBA LIA.

Ladisha, Artha (2020) An analysis of meaning and translation procedures in Chrismas song Silent Night Indonesia version. STBA LIA.

Larasati, Jeane Angela Pingkan (2023) An Analysis of the types of Metaphor and Simile and the translation procedures in the " Stardust" Novel by Neil Gaiman. STBA LIA.

Latifah, Amalia (2010) Analysis on Critizing Utterance as Face Threatening Act in the Film of Legally Blonde I. STBA LIA.

Latifatuzzahra, Ananda Deviani (2022) The Influence of Social media slang words on students' Creative writing skills. STBA LIA.


Laurensia, Liza An analysis of the translation of cultural words in Eat, Pray, Lovenovel into Indonesian. STBA LIA.

Leo, Laurensius (2007) The analysis On The Translation Of Connotative meaning In Friends' Serial Movie. STBA LIA.

Lestari, Dian Eka (2009) An Analysis on Speech Acts that Have Positive Politeness Meaning in the TV Drama Series the Hills. STBA LIA.

Lestari, Martha Dwi (2010) An analysis of english learning strategies in primary five at Mahatma Gading School. STBA LIA.

Lestari, Niken (2007) The analysis of the translation of the comic Asterix and Cleopatra in its relation with space limitation. STBA LIA.

Listiyani, Astria Laras (2012) Analysis of interference occuring in the translation result of the fourth-semester students in the class 2009 of STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Lubis, Abdul Malik (2007) The Comparison Between British Native Speaker's Pronuonciation And English Received Pronounciation. STBA LIA.

Lubis, Rudi Toni (2006) Hedges in Writing of STBA LIA Students: a Brief Study. STBA LIA.

Luqman, Umi Hanik (2011) The Translation Analysis on Expletive it into Indonesian in the Novel How To Speak Dragonese By Cressida Cowell. STBA LIA.

Lusanti, Dovy (2011) Analysis of Translation of Coinage Words in Twilight novel By Stephenie Meyer. STBA LIA.

Lusiwati, Lusiwati (2011) An Analysis of The Translation of Prefix Un- In The Da Vinci Code's Novel. STBA LIA.


Maemuna, Helly (2006) The Image of a Prostitute & a Striptease Dancer in Two Poems: "the Harlem Dancer" by Claude Mckay & "What Lips My Lips Have Kisses "by Edna St Vincent Millay. STBA LIA.


Maharani, Ajeng Maydizha (2022) Teacher's feedback of grammatical errors on the EFL students'Writing. STBA LIA.

Maharani, Jehan (2020) The influence of the Instagram account @gurukumrd on English departemens students of STBA LIA. STBA LIA.

Mahardika, Yudhistiro (2011) Translation of lexical collocation into Indonesian. STBA LIA.


Mahdi, Suhada Fathul (2022) An analysis of the translation strategies for idiomatic expressions in king lear english into Indonesian. STBA LIA.

Mahirani, Aisha Rizqi (2023) Analysis of techniques used in translating expressions anger in pride and prejudice novel by Jane Austen. STBA LIA.

Mahmudi, Mahmudi (2006) Translator's Interference in Using Punctuation Marks in Translating Jakarta Undercover from Indonesian to English. STBA LIA.

Maidawati, Maidawati (2012) The Correlation Between motivation and students performance in learning english. STBA LIA.

Maitimu, Lanny (2003) The Possibilty of Group Work Implementation in Teaching English to Children A Survey in Two Elementary School in Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Manalu, Nelly Garlia (2006) Semiotics Analysis of "The Face of Muhammad" Editorial Cartoons from Jyllands-Posten. STBA LIA.

Manalu, Ritha Rohayati (2005) The Influence of Portfolio Assessment on the Students' Writing Skill in STBA LIA Pengadegan Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Mandawati, Retno (2003) The Constraints on Subtitling Television Films from English to Indonesian in SCTV. STBA LIA.

Marcus, Marlon (2007) The Struggle of Shuyi against the point of view of society that discriminates women in the feminist story by Wong Swee Hoon. STBA LIA.

Mardhatillah, Allifatul (2024) An Analysis of Maxim Violation in Sofia Vergara's Interview on the Ellen Show. Universitas LIA.

Marfuah, Siti (2012) The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Skill : A Case Study Through the final test result of S1 English students of STBA LIA Jakarta in academic year 2008/2009. STBA LIA.

Margaretha, Sendy (2004) Matilda's Resistance Againts Adult's Patronage An Analysis of Matilda By Roald Dahl. STBA LIA.

Margaretha, Sendy (2004) Matilda's Resistance Againts Adult's Patronage An Analysis of Matilda By Roald Dahl. STBA LIA.

Marheny, Marheny (2006) The Concept Of Existentialism in the story the wall by Jean paul Sartre. STBA LIA.

Maria, Lia (2007) A Translation Analysis Of Derivational-Ing In The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. STBA LIA.

Mariana, Rita (2006) The Deep Structure Analysis of Emily Dickinson's Poems. STBA LIA.

Mariana, Vini (2008) An Analysis On The Use Of Indirect Reported Speech In The novel 4:50 From Paddington By Agatha Christie. STBA LIA.

Mariyam, Mariyam (2006) The Violation of Leech's Principle of Politeness in Creating Humoe in the Situation Comedy Everybody Loves Raymond. STBA LIA.

Marjuwita, Marjuwita (2008) The analysis of request based on social classes differences in the movie Dangerous Mind. STBA LIA.

Marsaulina, Verawati (2006) Sexuality Symbols: an Analysis of Perfume Advertisement. STBA LIA.

Marsetha, Dyah (2004) Plural Equivalence from English Into Indonesia In Novel If Tomorrow Comes By Sidney Sheldon. STBA LIA.

Marsono, Jessica Gwen (2024) An Analysis of the translation strategies of cultural references in Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap movie subtitles. Universitas LIA.

Masapo, Stanislaus (2006) Learner's Self-Correction by Using Symbol in Written Composition Between a Basic Level and an Advanced Level at LBPP LIA Pramuka. STBA LIA.

Masitoh, Masitoh (2005) An Analysis of Request for Permission Among the Social Classes in 'A Pair of Blue Eyes. STBA LIA.

Maulida, Septa Setia (2015) An evaluation on the English textbook When English Ring a Bell; 2014 Revised Edition for the first grade of Junior High School at SMPN 75 Kebon Jeruk. STBA LIA.

Mauliddiana, Anna (2011) Framing analysis of articles in the Jakarta Post ed. August18, 2008. STBA LIA.

Maya D, Meilawati Laksmi (2010) An analysis on the translation of have in the novel bag of bones. STBA LIA.

Megawati, Maria A (2003) Anger Expression in Harper Lee's Novel "To Kill A Mockingbird". STBA LIA.

Meilyawati, Meilyawati (2003) The Politeness Strategy in Requesting used in Gilmore Girls Serial. STBA LIA.

Melvina, Melvina (2015) Teachers questioning strategies classroom interaction at LBPP LIA. STBA LIA.

Merdiani, Tessa (2017) A comparison of news writing structure of "Cyanide coffee murder (Jessica)" case in and STBA LIA.

Merrita, Diah (2024) Fonologi S2A. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Merrita, Diah (2024) Membaca Teks Bisnis D4A. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Merrita, Diah (2024) Membaca Teks Ilmiah S4A. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Merrita, Diah (2024) Menulis Esai D2A. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Merrita, Diah (2024) Menulis Esai S2A. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Merrita, Diah (2024) Menulis Esai S2X. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Merrita, Diah (2024) Pembimbing Karil Adil. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Merrita, Diah (2024) Pembimbing Karil Anggi. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Merrita, Diah (2024) Pembimbing Skripsi Huwaida. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Merrita, Diah (2024) Pembimbing Skripsi Intan. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Merrita, Diah (2024) Penguji Sidang D3 1. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Merrita, Diah (2024) Penguji Sidang D3 2. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Merrita, Diah (2024) Penguji Sidang Kompre. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

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Merrita, Diah (2024) Pragmatik. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Merrita, Diah (2024) SK Penasihat Akademik. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Metharini, Arisandy (2007) An Analysis on Suggestions and Responses in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Novel By: J.K. Rowling. STBA LIA.

Miastuti, Mila (2007) The Meaning Of Metaphors In The Lyrics Of Fergie's Songs: A Semiotic Analysis. STBA LIA.

Moektiaji, Probo (2006) The Translation of english marketing management terminologi into Indonesia in trout in strategy Bilingual edition. STBA LIA.

Monica, Apriliani Putri (2022) Semiotic analysis of three eyebrow pencil advertisements. STBA LIA.

Mora, Tejo (2022) Idiom translation strategies in Family Guy Subtitle. STBA LIA.

Moses, Cindy (2012) Classroom management of large classess: a study of teaching speaking at SMAN 64 Jakarta in academic year 2011/2012. STBA LIA.

Muchid, Ahmad (2007) A Quantitative Analysis of the English Test Tried Out at SMP Triwibawa Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Mudhita, Dharma (2008) The Analysis of Topics Changes In Conversation In "Princess Diaries 2" Movie. STBA LIA.

Muharram, Muhammad Agil (2015) A translation analysis of cultural words in the subtittle of Shrek 2. STBA LIA.

Mulyana, Mulyana (2005) The Opening and Closing of John F. Kennedy's Speeches on His Administration Period (January 20, 1961-November 22, 1963). STBA LIA.

Mulyati, Nova Sri (2010) Analysis oncharacteristics of natural conversation in the fisrt session of desperate housewives tv series. STBA LIA.

Muniroh, Muniroh (2006) An Analysis The Translation Of English Idioms Into Indonesian In Novel The Princess diaries By Meg Gabot. STBA LIA.

Murdhani, Benny (2006) Jessica's Journey and Decision to Find Her True Love in Shylock's Daughter Novel. STBA LIA.

Murtiningsih, Endah (2008) Teaching Jornal As A Tool to Improve Teacher's Teaching Style And Students Teacher interaction in first grade of kelas persiapan SMK Desa Putera Lentang Agung Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Mutajib, M.Rizki (2024) An Analysis of idiom translation strategies in Bee movie subtitles. Universitas LIA.

Mutiandari, Dini (2015) Studens Communicative features of verbal interaction during classroom in conversation class at STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Mutiarani, Diana (2008) The use of politeness strategies in inviting speech acts in Desperate Housewives TV series. STBA LIA.

Muzakky, Dzikri Ahmad An analysis of slang words translation in Men in Black: international movie. STBA LIA.

Muzdalifah, Indah (2019) The writing styles for celebrity profile feature article about Kendall Jenner in fasion magazines. STBA LIA.


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Nabila, Raden Roro Jasmine Fairuz (2022) An analysis of the types of personifications and translation techniques in John Green's the fault in our stars. STBA LIA.

Nabilasari, Shafa (2019) An evaluation of English textbook for the first grade of Maritime Vocational School. STBA LIA.

Nadhira, Fathiah Morphological and syntatic error analysis of students paragraph writing using (linguistic category taxonomy of politzer and ramirez). STBA LIA.

Nadiamurti, Ressa (2007) The Use of Minimal Response MM and Its Realtion With Facial Expressions in Charmed TV Series. STBA LIA.

Nadila, Fierza (2008) An Analysis of Toefl Practoce Test Content Validity Given To STBA LIA Students. STBA LIA.

Najwan, Najwan (2020) The use of group discussion in teaching reading of narrative text. STBA LIA.

Nasution, Indira (2003) The Study of Poem about fish in " The fish" by Elizabeth Bishop and " The Catfish" by Jack Matthews. STBA LIA.

Natalia, Eunike (2012) Students atitude toward the use of English only in the classroom (a study on LBPP-LIA Kelapa Gadings adult levels). STBA LIA.

Naztasia, Oliev (2007) A translation analysis of modal adverb certainly in novel sky is falling by Sidney Sheldon. STBA LIA.

Nendisa, Fanka Eliona (2004) Conceptual Mapping and Resemblance Hypothesis of Sexsual Metaphorical Expressions in Lady Sorceress Novel by Patricia Rice. STBA LIA.

Nidiyastuti, Friska (2012) Discourse Analysis on Cohesion devices in the article slowly but surely Harry potter is coming to town at www.The STBA LIA.

Ningsih, Fadhilah Salma (2021) The analysis of the tranlation strategy of idiom in Big Hero 6 movie. STBA LIA.


Ningtyas, Rindang Wahyu (2022) An analysis of the translation strategies and types of slang words in to all the boys: always and forever movie. STBA LIA.

Nisa, Siti Muflihathon (2023) The types of error in subtitles of onward movie made by Google translate and Bing Microsoft translator. STBA LIA.

Nizma, Nizma (2003) The Analysis if Diction In Perfume,Body Treatment and Cosmetics Advertisements for Women & Men. STBA LIA.

Norani, Devi (2010) Text analysis on articles about the serial Killing Case By Very Rayan: I Idham Henyansyah at STBA LIA.

Novalina M, Mediana (2007) The translation of the english passive voice into indonesian in the novel Revolt in paradise by Ketut Tantri. STBA LIA.

Noviani, Betharia (2005) Challenges in Aman, the Story of A Somali Girl By Virginia Lee Barnes and Jance Boddy. STBA LIA.

Novianti, Dewi (2002) Kegiatan Monitor Iklan di PT Tempo Inti Media. STBA LIA.

Novita, Anggi (2005) Face Threatening Act of Warning in Pearl S. Buck's Novel the Angry Wife. STBA LIA.

Novita, Novita (2006) An Analysis of the Short Story "Beauty of Form and Beauty of Mind" Through Barthes' Codes of Reading. STBA LIA.

Novita, Novita (2015) Analyzing the lexical devices in student's creative writing work of 5th semester students of STBA LIA Jakarta semester students of STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Nugraha, Ilham (2014) English learning speaking strategies of street children community (KABASA) in kampung Mede, Bekasi: a case study. STBA LIA.

Nugroho, Agung Dwi (2004) Pragmatic Analysis on Jokes: The Violation of Grice's Maxims in Jim Davis' Garfield Comic Strips. STBA LIA.

Nugroho, Arie (2009) The Translation of English Compund Words Into Indonesian in the Vovel the Pelican Brief. STBA LIA.

Nuraeni, Wiwin (2023) Translation errors of BBC article the Norwegian Library with Unreadable books scientific paper. STBA LIA.

Nuraini, Nuni (2015) An analysis of descriptive adjective translation in Charlie bone and time twister by Jenny Nimmo novel from English to Indonesian. STBA LIA.

Nurani, Atika Yasmin (2024) The types of idiom and translation strategies of the Netflix series Blockbuster subtitle. Other thesis, Universitas LIA.

Nurchasanah S, Yunita (2003) An Analysis of The Illocutionary Act of Promising in the " The Family At Red-Roofs" By Enid Blyton. STBA LIA.

Nurdiah, Citra (2006) The Comparison of Teaching Pronounciation Through Drilling Versus Phonetic Alphabets. STBA LIA.

Nurhayati, Citra (2006) A Pragmatic Analysis on the Interpersonal Particle Just in the Movie Family Man. STBA LIA.

Nurhayati W., Nurhayati W. (2011) An analysis on threatening expressions in ally mcbeal tv series. STBA LIA.

Nurisnaeni, Siti (2008) An analysis in the translation of english past continuous tense into indonesian in the novel Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone. STBA LIA.

Nurjannah S., Nina (2004) The Use Of Code Swithching In Baban Sarbana's Great Spirit For Success. STBA LIA.

Nurmalasari, Sintia (2010) Analysis of grammatical cohesion in harry potter and the philosopher's stone novel. STBA LIA.

Nurmalawati, Nira (2012) An Analysis of the cultural words translation from english into indonesian in the girl who played with fire novel. STBA LIA.

Nurrachmah S, Yuliana (2003) The Analysis of Female Responses to Males Question from High and Working Social Class in. STBA LIA.

Nursyafira, Firda (2023) Reflective english teaching for junior high school during Pandemi Covid-19. STBA LIA.

Nurullah, Sari (2010) Framing analysis of headline articles of the Jakarta Post newspaper about Balinese Pendet Case Between Indonesia and Malaysia. STBA LIA.

Nuryadin, Yayan (2006) Categorization and Reasoning in Terminology of Information Technology (IT): A Cognitive Linguistics Study. STBA LIA.


Octavianti, Rizka (2009) The Analysis of Morphological and Syntactic Characteristcs of African American Vernacular English in Malibu's Most wanted Movie. STBA LIA.

Okmatira, Nuraniah (2004) The Analysis Of Indonesian - English Code Switching In Marga T'S '' Karmila ". STBA LIA.

Oktapryna, Inas Safira (2019) An analysis of the translation of cultural words in the novel Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan. STBA LIA.

Oktarina, Jojor (2006) An Analysis on the Keynote Addresses of Hassan Wirajuda and Nobutaka Machimura Presented in the Asian-African Summit 2005: Reference Analysis. STBA LIA.

Oktavia, Meldaria (2012) An analysis of the translation of hyperbole from English into Indonesian in the novel Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. STBA LIA.

Oktaviani, Annisa Asri (2022) An Analysis of Oline-Article lead on healthy diet in women's health Magazine. STBA LIA.

Oktaviani, Berty Eka (2014) The implement of communicative language teaching in LBPP LIA Pengadegan term II 2013. STBA LIA.

Oktaviano, Sumando (2008) The Cohesion Conparative Analysis on Narrative and Argumentative Written Text. STBA LIA.

Oktavita, Gita (2004) The Differences Of Students Learning Motivation And Achievement In Learning English Comprehension Between the Sixth Grade Student Who Are Tought by Using Picture and Without using picture SDN Panaragan Kidul Bogor. STBA LIA.

Oktora F.I, Windhi (2006) The Kinds of Activities that Support the Student's Learning Style in English for Children Class 4th Grade, at LBPP LIA Pramuka Using the Theme-Based Text Book "New Parade 4". STBA LIA.

Oktorizky, Nurhayatun (2011) Building the Speaking Anility for STBA LIA CEP Classes of Elementary School's Students through seating arrangement. STBA LIA.

Olivia, Getruida (2009) Analysis of Blaming Functioning as Face Threatening Acts (FT As) in Film Bend it Like Beckham. STBA LIA.


Ollong, Indah Nurharini (2021) The Use of E-learning through Google classroom in grammar class. STBA LIA.

Ompusunggu, Febiyanto (2007) A translation analysis of english leical preposition into indonesian in novel Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets by J.K rowling. STBA LIA.


Pakpahan, Novita Verawati (2020) An analysis of students grammatical error in recount text writtenby second grade of senior high school Bina Insani Bogor. STBA LIA.

Pameswari, Viola Nadira (2022) Semiotic analysis of Cosmetic Foundation advertisement using roland barthes: Theory. STBA LIA.

Pandristo, Pandristo (2010) A framing analysis on jakarta post newspaper articles about black Friday. STBA LIA.

Pane, Amelia K. (2006) Discourse Analysis : Speech Functions Related to Cooperative Principle in Internet Chatting. STBA LIA.

Pane, Desi Rosmalita (2003) PT. Bhanda Ghara Reksa Cabang Utama Jakarta. STBA LIA.


Panggabean, Eva Novianti (2005) A Portrait of Mean Father in the Poem The Biker's Shack By Randall Cunningham. STBA LIA.


Paramarthika, Prajna Cinthyani Paramarthika (2023) An Analysis of the types Functions, and Translating slang words in red Film. STBA LIA.

Paramita, Putri (2021) An analysis of translation strategies of idiomatic expressions in Nicholas Sparks novel Message in a bottle. STBA LIA.

Pasinringi, Ade Aisyah (2022) An analysis of pun types and translation techniques of pun in the disney animated movie " The Lion King " (1994). STBA LIA.

Patricia, Kahlia Elsye (2024) Framing analysis of Brigadier J.Shooting News on using Robert Entmant Model. Other thesis, Universitas LIA.

Paulina S, Agnes (2008) Translation of idioms in song of song. STBA LIA.

Pebijana, Pebijana (2004) Good Classroom Management In Teaching Writing In A Large Class. STBA LIA.

Pelasula, Meiske M. (2010) The function of discourse marker connectives and,but,or analysis related to power and solidarity in ten things I hate about you movie. STBA LIA.

Perangin, Riska Br (2012) Test item analysis based on item difficulty and discrimination of extensive reading midterm test given to STBA LIA Jakarta S2A class students of the academic year 2011-2012. STBA LIA.

Permadi, Furqoon (2012) An analysis of the translation of onomatopeic words in comic The Adventures on Tintin in the episode of Land of Black Gold. STBA LIA.

Permatasari, Luh Wulan (2021) The role of translation techniques and ideologies in translating Padma Hotel menus. STBA LIA.

Pertiwi, Khawarizmi Zoelva (2023) Types of error in the translation of May Alcott's little women made by Bing Microsoft Translator. STBA LIA.

Pertiwi, Rani Kusuma (2008) The Analysis of Silence and Its Funcions In "A Walk to Remember"Movie. STBA LIA.

Pieter, Stefanie Jessica (2013) An analysis on personification translation in Kahlil Gibrans: The Broken Wings. STBA LIA.

Pinatih, Denyar Laras (2017) An analysis of lead in feature of news on New York Times Style Magazine. STBA LIA.

Prabowo, Dicky (2016) An analysis of the translation of lexical collocations in the subtitle of So Undercover movie. STBA LIA.

Pradipta, Pradipta (2008) Translation Analyisis Of Derivational Suffix ed In Novel Stardust By Neil Geiman. STBA LIA.

Pradipta, Rika Agustin (2009) The Translation Analysis of Verb 'Be' in Disney's Children Encyclopedia. STBA LIA.

Prajnamallika, Prajnamallika (2005) An Analysis on the Directive Speech Act of Question in Nicholas Spark's Novel the Notebook. STBA LIA.

Pramanik, Dewi (2006) The Translation of Negation from English into Indonesian in Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring ny J.R.R. Tolkien. STBA LIA.

Prameswari, Nabila Maudy (2019) Translation of simile in novel If I Stay by Gayle Forman. STBA LIA.

Pramita, Racmah (2012) A Framing Analysis about HKPB Case In The Jakarta Post. STBA LIA.

Pramitasari, Atika (2011) Translation of Subordinate Conjunction While in the Novel No Greater Love By Daniel Steel. STBA LIA.

Pramudiani, Warra (2003) The Analysis of Nrgative Complimenting Speech Acts (Face-Threatening Acts) in Francine. STBA LIA.

Prasetijani, Netty (2005) The Use of Debate as an Extracurricular Activity. STBA LIA.

Prasetio, Noor (2022) An analysis of translation errors done by Youtube auto-Translate in Translating movie trailers. STBA LIA.

Prasetya N, Dian (2002) Pengurusan Surat di Pusat Penelitian Pengembangan Kebudayaan & Pariwisata. STBA LIA.

Prastiwi, Gita (2004) Conflict That Affect The Relationship of Danina and Nikolai Lead To Bittersweet Ending In Danielle Steel' s Novel Granny Dan. STBA LIA.

Prastiwi, Indri (2007) The Analysis of Grammatical Structures in English On Sky TextBook in Relation to Krashen's Natural Order Hypothesis. STBA LIA.

Prastyaningrum, Ika (2006) Problems and Roles of task in Helping the Listening Comprehension of Intermediate I Students in International Language Programs Pondok Gede. STBA LIA.

Prastyo, Dwi Agus (2015) Metaphor translation analysis in Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix by J.K. Rowling. STBA LIA.

Pratiwi, Nunik Senja (2007) An analysis On The Use Of Particle You know In Season 2 Of Tru Calling TV Series. STBA LIA.

Pratiwi, Sulistya (2005) The Solidarity Influence in Face Protecting Strategies in A Drama "A Doll House". STBA LIA.

Pratiwi, Titi (2003) The Influence of Cooperative Learning Model in The Writing Class of STBA LIA. STBA LIA.

Pratiwi, Winda Novia (2009) Text analysis on articles about the serial Killing Case By Very Rayan: I Idham Henyansyah at STBA LIA.

Prawoto, Prawoto (2005) The meaning shift of indonesian loan words from english economic term in forum magazine. STBA LIA.

Primafilia. C., Yohana Dialogue as a Practical Means in Motivating the Second Grade of Tarakanita Vocational High School Students in Speaking English. STBA LIA.

Primary, Dewi Robin (2022) Teun van Dijk's critical discourse analysis on Azis Syamsuddin's Bribery case in Tempo online magazine. STBA LIA.

Purnamasari, Leny (2015) Teachers question strategies during the oral test production at LBPP LIA Pasar Minggu. STBA LIA.

Purwaningrum, Prapti Wigati (2006) Strategy in Request Modofication By Male and Female Character in the Situation Comedy Series "Friends". STBA LIA.

Purwaningsih, Purwaningsih (2008) The validity of the english examination test for the fourth grade of SDN Bahagia 06 Bekasi Utara. STBA LIA.

Purwasih, Ratna Ayu (2012) Textbook evaluation of Backpack 4 by Mario Herrera and Diane Pinkley. STBA LIA.

Puspita, Marissa (2010) An analysis of slang words translation in This Is England movie. STBA LIA.

Puspitawati, Ade Ayu (2010) The analysis of apologizing expressions in relation with the power and solidarity and the apologizing strategies in "gilmore girl" tv series. STBA LIA.

Puspitorini, Ferawaty (2006) Evaluating the Content of An English Textbook in English on Sky of 7th Grade Students in SMP Negeri 9 Bekasi. STBA LIA.

Puti, Meutia (2011) Evaluation of the Content and Design of English for Real Communication 4 Book Used in "Dynasty'' English Course. STBA LIA.

Puti, Rahmi Diana (2008) The use of Pictures in teaching reading comprehension to the 5 grade students at SD Islam As-Syafi'iyah 02 Pondok Gede. STBA LIA.

Putra, Claresa Prama (2022) An analysis of types of slang and the translation procedures in grand theft auto: San Andreas video game from English to Indonesia. STBA LIA.

Putra, Hendrik Pratama (2024) Humor types and subtitling strategies in the Big Bang theory season 11. Universitas LIA.

Putranto.P, Noviandi (2003) The Comparison Between The Results of A Learning Process in Teaching Speaking using Role-play Technique and using mimicry Memorization Technique for 3rd Grade Students in SLTP. STBA LIA.

Putri, Aena Mardiah (2022) The perceptions of the students on Pre-Activities in reading for gist class. STBA LIA.

Putri, Anastasya Renata Asmarani (2017) Analysis on soft news leads at Time Magazine articles. STBA LIA.

Putri, Andita Julia (2021) The analysis of simile translation in the novel to all the boys I've loved before by Jenny Khans. STBA LIA.

Putri, Ardiana Aditya (2014) An analysis on the translation of the swearing in the subtittleof the movie Alpha Dog. STBA LIA.

Putri, Dhea Utami (2017) Analysis on the translation of metaphors in the novel Peter Pan by J.L. Barrie and its translated version. STBA LIA.

Putri, Faranila Faizah (2012) A Discourse analysis on level of text of an article rapists Lurk in Public transportation vehicles at STBA LIA.

Putri, Marsya Liditya (2014) A Framing analysis on articles about Indonesia's little monster at STBA LIA.

Putri, Maya Priyanti (2011) An Analysis on the Function and Accuracy of Coordinate Conjunction and in Translating a Novel Confession of Shopaholic. STBA LIA.

Putri, Nanda Dinia (2012) An analysis of the translation of imagery in the adventure of Hckleberry Finn novel by Mark Twain. STBA LIA.

Putri, Tia Karina (2012) The Anlysis of the translation of past participle in Mark Twain's the prince and the pauper. STBA LIA.

panggabean, Josua parulian (2021) Lexical error analysis in the translation of the video game orwell keeping an eye on you. STBA LIA.

parasenta, Syahsilila (2021) Framing analysis of jakarta bay reclamation project on republika online media. STBA LIA.



Qonita, Irba (2020) An analysis of the translation of phrasal verb in P.S I Still Love You a novel by Jenny Han. STBA LIA.

qadar, Ogy adidaya (2021) Covid - 19 social assistance corruption case on jakarta globe news articles : framing analysis. STBA LIA.

qadar, Ogy adidaya (2021) Covid-19 Social Assistance Corruption Case on Jakarta Globe News Articles: Framing Analysis. STBA LIA.


Rabbani, Aulia (2014) Grammatical proficiency of students attending bilingual program and regular program: a comparative study of 5th grades of SDI Al-Azhar 6 Bekasi. STBA LIA.

Rachmadani, Anggita Ningtias (2014) An analysis on the translation of the emotion concepts in Fireside novel by Sisan Wiggs. STBA LIA.

Rachmawati, Astria (2007) A Translation of English Nominal Ellipsis Into Indonesian In Novel The DaVinci Code. STBA LIA.

Rachmawati, Intan (2004) An analysis On The Translation of IT(Information Technology)Technical Terms In Komputeraktif Magazine. STBA LIA.

Rachmawati, Nurul (2010) The Strategies of Translation of so as an Adverb and Conjunction in the Novel The Chonicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. STBA LIA.

Rachmawaty, Winda Andriani (2017) An analysis on the translation of idioms in the drama Hamlet by William Shakespeare. STBA LIA.

Rahadianto, Hening (2005) Translating Rapid Speech/Dialog in the Movie Wag the Dog. STBA LIA.

Rahardani, Nabila Puti (2017) Framing analysis of articles about November 4th Peace rally that turns intoviolence act in Jakarta on STBA LIA.

Rahayu, Lydia (2014) An analysis on kinds of writing techniques of soft news leads used in articles about Indonesian cultural festivals at STBA LIA.

Rahayu, Lydia (2014) An analysis on kinds of writing techniques of soft news leads used in articles about Indonesian cultural festivals at STBA LIA.


Rahayu, Sri (2023) The Dificulties of Learning Speaking Skills of Indonesian Junior High School Students. STBA LIA.

Rahayu, Widyas Tutik (2010) An Analysis on the Functions in " Friends" TV Series. STBA LIA.


Rahim, Faradila abd. (2021) Denotation and connototation meanings in speechless song lyrics by naomi scoot : A semiotic analysis. STBA LIA.

Rahmaniar, Rahmaniar (2012) An Analysis of the Translation of English Compound Nouns Into Indonesian In The Subtitle of Sydney White Movie. STBA LIA.

Rahmaningsih, Ratih (2007) The Use Of Hedging Devices In The Interviews in The Economy and Business Sections of English Edition Of Tempo Magazines. STBA LIA.

Rahmat, Sheyla (2023) An Analysis of Extralinguistic Cultural Reference Categories and Translation Strategies in Subtitle of The Bridgerton Series. STBA LIA.

Rahmawati, Alfiandari Devita (2013) Principles of good writing in articles about new Sars-Like virus in STBA LIA.

Raisa, Raisa (2011) The Relationship between Teachers Teaching Styles and Students Learning Styles " A Case study of high flyers 4A and 5A at EF Cibubur. STBA LIA.

Raitung, Inri Gloria (2014) Various linguistics features frequantly found in the legal text on the law of the Republic of Indonesia No.6 of the year 2011 concering immigration (Undang-undang Republik Indonesia. STBA LIA.

Rakhmayuliati, Fitri (2003) The Violations of Grice's Four Maxims in Supporting The Humorous Effect in "Friends" Sitcom Series. STBA LIA.

Ramadena B., Nada (2004) Suggesting Speech Acts In Keene's Nancy Drew. STBA LIA.

Ramadena B., Nada (2004) Suggesting Speech Acts In Keene's Nancy Drew. STBA LIA.

Ramadhan, Muhammad Faisal (2019) The item analysis of English final test in grade IX at SMPN 29 Bekasi in academic year 2018/2019. STBA LIA.

Ramadhani, Adinda rizky (2021) Pronlems in listening comprehension faced efl learners : A descritive study of english departement students from STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.


Ramadhanty, Ghina (2022) An analysis on the jakarta on the article lead about natural disasters. STBA LIA.

Ramadhanty, Jihan (2023) Lecturer's Strategies in Teaching reading comprehension. STBA LIA.

Ranggaputra, Dimas Raditya (2021) An analysis of idiom translation of idiom translation in The Smurf movie. STBA LIA.

Ratnapuri, Siva Puspitarini (2014) The effectiveness of colaborative strategic reading (CRS) to improve reading comprehension for adult learners at STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Rebecca F.S., Rika (2011) A Correlational Study Between Student's Reading Skill and Writing Skill: A Case Study. STBA LIA.

Redo, Maryanti Th.C.T. (2007) An Analysis Of Euphemism From English Into Indonesian In Novel Primary colors By Anonymous. STBA LIA.

Resmisari, Anna Tryana (2005) The Possibilities of Using Jazz Chants for Children as a Supporting Material in LBI'S Regular Program in Terms of Teaching Pronounciation, Vocabulary, and Grammar. STBA LIA.

Restiningrum, Anggit (2004) The Efects Of Creative Drama In The Teaching Of English To Grades 2-4 Elementary School Children at Elia English Course, Bekasi. STBA LIA.

Retnowati, Diah Meisa (2007) The Influence of Teacher's Feedback Towards Students' Motivation in Speaking 4 Class S4B Academic Year 2006/2007 at STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Ribeiro, Sebastiana Isabel Maria (2005) An Analysis of the Struggle of Firdaus to Exist as a Daughter, Wife and Woman in Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi. STBA LIA.

Rini, Dian Novita (2006) An Analysis of Jennifers life againts all Odds In Her Love and the Carreer in the novel rage of angel by sidney sheldon. STBA LIA.

Riskana, Nidia (2012) A Comparative study of anger utterances in Gossip Girl and Prison Break TV series. STBA LIA.

Rityasona, Desni (2009) An Analysis on Discourse Marker I Mean As Face Saving Act (FSA) In The First Session Of Desperate Housewives TV Series. STBA LIA.

Rizki, Muhammad (2011) The Analysis of the Translation of Transitive and Intransitive Phrasal Verbs in the Dear Jhon Novel by Nicholas Sparks. STBA LIA.

Rizkina, Rahmi (2023) An Analysis of the types of imperative sentences and the subtitling strategies in the Adam's project movie. STBA LIA.

Rizky, Bayu (2009) The Effectiveness of using realia and list of words in teaching vocabulary to the fifth grade students of SD 16 Pagi klender,east jakarta. STBA LIA.

Rizky, Dindha (2023) Analysis News Values in Personality Features in the Jakarta Post. STBA LIA.

Rizkyani, Klarina (2016) Validity and authenticity of the English final tests X and XI grade SMK DKI Jakarta Academic year 2015/2016. STBA LIA.

Rohadi, Tazqianisa (2024) An Analysis on the lead News articles of conflict between Israel and Palestine in CCN Website. Universitas LIA.

Rohaeni, Heni (2009) The Differences of Offering Expressions Used By Women and Men In Dawson's Creek season 1 TV Series. STBA LIA.

Romdhiyanah, Hani (2008) An Analysis On the Use Of Particle Well In The Movie Monalisa smile. STBA LIA.

Ronal M, Maringka (2007) An analysis on the shift that occur in the translation of english adverbs of manner in the novel Beautiful child by Torey Hayden. STBA LIA.

Rosayulianti, Novia (2019) The translations analysis of cultural words from English to Indonesia in the novel The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. STBA LIA.

Rosmayanti, Denok (2006) Role of Text as an Element of Foregrounding and Picture Meaning in the Advertisements of Airlines: A Study of Deviation and Semiotics. STBA LIA.

Royto, Rini (2006) Translation of english idioms Into Indonesian In The Novel The Sky is falling by Sydney Sheldon. STBA LIA.

Rozali, Achmad (2017) The writing styles of hard news articles about the race results of MOTOGP 2016 at the printed news paper of the Jakarta Post. STBA LIA.

Rukminawati, Taty (2005) An Analysis of the Teanslation of the Indonesian Passive Verb Prefixes Di : and Ter into English: Its Shifts and Equivalence. STBA LIA.

ramdani, Aldita (2021) An analysis of news writing structure in new york times printed news about breonna taylor's case. STBA LIA.


Sabrina, Corina Aderia (2012) A Framing analysis of the article World on Alert after bin Laden killed. STBA LIA.

Sabrina, Dea (2021) Framing analysis of the Jakarta Post and in the news about church bombing in Surabaya. STBA LIA.

Sadiyah, Lela (2006) The Advantages of Using Micro-Dialogues in Teaching Speaking for Elementary II Student of LBPP LIA. STBA LIA.

Safiera, Alia (2005) The translation of interjections from english into indonesian in the novel diary of a mad bride by Laura Wolf. STBA LIA.

Safira, Safira (2007) The Analysis Of The Existence Of Optional Elements In Dispreferred Second Parts Based On Brown Levinson's Politeness Strategies On The Movie Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire. STBA LIA.

Safriyanti, Dian Herny (2006) An Analysis of The Translation Of English relative Pronouns who in Novel Evil Under the sun By Agatha Christie Into Indonesian. STBA LIA.

Sahnani, Herminari V (2007) An Analysis Of The Translation Of English Conditional Sentences In The Novel The Sands of Time By Sydney Sheldon Into Indonesian. STBA LIA.

Salmaningsih, Fadhilah (2021) The Analysis of the Translation Strategy of Idiom in Big Hero 6 Movie. STBA LIA.



Sandjaka, Angga (2014) Framing analysis on newspaper on-line articles about corruption scandal concering PKS Party officials. STBA LIA.

Sanita, Sanita (2007) An analysis on the translation of request speech act in the subtitle of on tree hill TV series. STBA LIA.

Santoso, Denny Baja Paskah Agus (2012) Discourse analysis on the level of text in the article Governmet Urged to Deal Seriously with land Disputes at STBA LIA.

Saputra, Rifqi Pratama (2022) An analysis of figurative language translation in Jumanji: The next level movis. STBA LIA.

Sari, Ajeng Annisa Rasyiqa (2020) The Analysis effective leads in Vogue Australian magazine. STBA LIA.

Sari, Dewi Komala (2008) An Analysis of the Translation of Back-Channel Well in the Novel Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire into Indonesian. STBA LIA.

Sari, Eka Kurnia (2012) Error analysis its relevance to teaching speaking in English for Children (EC) Program of LBPP LIA Pengadegan. STBA LIA.

Sari, Juwita Permata (2016) An analysis of noun phrase in the novel Four written by Veronica Roth and its translation into Indonesian. STBA LIA.

Sari, Milan (2011) An Analysis of the Indonesian Translation of Handphone Terminologies in Nokia 5630 Xpressmusic User Guide. STBA LIA.

Sari, Titim Gariana (2010) An analysis on judging utterance in the tv series ally mc beal. STBA LIA.

Sari.S., Yasmine Indah (2006) The Analysis of Women and Men Gossip Conversation in Friends Sitcom Series. STBA LIA.

Satar, Safrina (2004) The Interference of indonesian Structure Toward Learning english AS A Foregn Language: A Case Study of Writing Task of 1 Grade Student SMP Negeri 85 Pondok Labu Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Satwika, Kesthi Fitra (2010) Analysis of the relationship between boosting words and power and solidarity in "A Few good men"Movie. STBA LIA.

Saviri, Kenny Andinia (2004) The Role Of Tone In Presenting The Process Of Identity-Shaping Encountered By The Subject In "Public School No.18 : Patterson, New Jersey " By Maria Mazziotti Gillan and " The Melting. STBA LIA.

Savitri, Dewi (2008) The analysis of long subtitles in Desperate Housewives season 2. STBA LIA.

Savitri, Diany (2012) An analysis of errors on the translation of unlovable short story done by the fourt semester students of STBA LIA Jakarta Academic Year 2010/2011. STBA LIA.

Sedayu, Akbar (2003) The Analysis of Face Threatening Acts in an Interview : Peter Arnett Versus Osama Bin Laden. STBA LIA.

Sekartaji, Maya (2003) The Representations of female characters in herart of Darknes by Joseph Conrad. STBA LIA.

Selly, Selly (2015) Students mistakes of using verbs in paragraph writing at Chrysolit English Course. STBA LIA.

Septadiatama, Farras (2023) The analysis of idiom translation strategies in life and times of scrooge Mc Duck Comic Book. STBA LIA.

Septiani, Siti Nurjanah (2017) The analysis of challenges and students attitude on blended learning using Edmodo in reading comprehension: a case study of intermediate 1 classes LB LIA Pramuka. STBA LIA.


Septiarini, Amelia (2021) An analysis of the types of taboo words and the translation procedures in 'Uncut games" movie subtitle. STBA LIA.

Setia, Ogi Wira (2012) An anlysis oh the translation of English basic sentence patterns and Kernel sentences in the Novel Pronce of Persia. STBA LIA.

Setia. N, Ayu Rahma (2009) The Use of Particle Well in Season Three (Episode 9-11) of Smallville Series. STBA LIA.

Setiadi, Cepi (2003) Fear, Insecurity and Love in Two Poems : "Aids' by May Sarton & " How to Watch Your Brother Die" by Michael Lassel. STBA LIA.

Setianingsih, Retno Budi (2012) Teaching listening skills: a comparative study of storytelling with visual aids and storytelling without visual aids. STBA LIA.

Setiastuti, Kartini (2013) The Technique of teaching English vocabularyin EC-4A level in LBPP LIA Pengadegan. STBA LIA.

Setiawati, Eva Fitria (2021) Analysis of swear word types and procedures in Farious 7 movie subtitles. STBA LIA.

Setyorini, M. Endah Translation Analysis on English Dialect of Ebonics: in Sydney Sheldon's if Tomorrow Comes. STBA LIA.

Shyafiati, Meika (2005) The Analysis of Taboo Expressions and Euphemism in "Sex and the City" TV Series. STBA LIA.

Shyafiati, Meika (2005) The Analysis of Taboo Expressions and Euphemism in "Sex and the City" TV Series. STBA LIA.

Sihombing, Shanti (2005) An Analysis on Turn-Taking Mechanism in the Simpsons Episodes. STBA LIA.

Sihombing, Shanti (2005) An Analysis on Turn-Taking Mechanism in the Simpsons Episodes. STBA LIA.

Simamora, Intan Pandiny (2014) An analysis of euphemism translation in The Scandal Of The Season novel by Christie Kelley. STBA LIA.

Simanjuntak, Abel Martin Boas (2014) Problems and strategies found in the translation of mother goose: a taps based analysis. STBA LIA.

Sinaga, Bernadette (2007) The Effects Of Racism To Sandy's Family and How Sandy Struggles Against Racism to Have His Identity In The Novel Not without Laughter By James Langston Hughes. STBA LIA.

Sinaga, Marurat (2007) An analysis Of The English Texbook In Gender Perspective:Activities,Occupations And Professions. STBA LIA.

Sinaga, Torkis Feter (2014) An analysis of the translation of legal terminologies in Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata (civil code) concerning Hak milik (Rights of ownership). STBA LIA.

Sirait, Tarida Bernadetta (2021) Framing analysis about conflict between the Governor of DKI Jakarta dan DKI Jakarta Council on STBA LIA.

Sisca, Sisca (2012) An analysis of the translation of the English idiomatic expression in the novel The Naked Face by Sidney Sheldon and its translation Wajah Sang Pembunuh by Anton Adiwiyoto. STBA LIA.

Siswayanti, Ismi Stia (2015) Translation analysis of swearing in the subtittle of the Hangover movie. STBA LIA.

Siswayanti, Ismi Stia (2016) Translation analysis of swearing in the subtittle of the Hangover movie. STBA LIA.

Situmorang, Pedro Simon (2023) Types of idioms and strategies in translating idioms in the "Wednesday Series". STBA LIA.

Soemijati, Soemijati (2004) The Correlation Between Students' Self-Esteeem Profile and Their English Learning Achievement " A Case Study in Stella Duce Junior High School Yogyakarta. STBA LIA.

Sofiana R.V., Sonya (2009) Teacher's contributions toward communicative classroom interaction in pre-k class at peachblossoms preschool and kindergarden,bekasi. STBA LIA.

Somawi, Irena Melania (2006) An Analysis on Cohesion and Coherence in Eric Sanvoisin's Short Story, Little Red Ink Drinker. STBA LIA.

Sondakh, Jourdy Oscar Willhelm (2016) The semiotic analysis of Adidas football shoes advertisement (2003-2015). STBA LIA.

Sriyanti, Sriyanti (2015) Test item analysis on item difficulty and item discrimination in English grammaer mid-term test for S3A class student of STBA LIA in the academic year 2014-2015. STBA LIA.

Subekti, Bekti (2004) The Analysis of Request In Incoming Letters At The Office Of Minister Of State For National Development Planning/Chairman of National Development Planning Agency(Bappenas). STBA LIA.

Subiyantoro, Tony (2005) The Language Attitude of the English Students of STBA LIA Jakarta Toward English: A Case Study of the 5 th (Fifth) Semester Students of academic Year 2004-2005. STBA LIA.

Sudjadi, Dhita Novita (2006) The Analysis Of Ono mato to Poeia translation in bilingual comic Magazine of the very best of Donald Duck 0f 4th edition. STBA LIA.

Sugianto, Herry (2003) The Analysis of Pragmatic and Symbolic Communications in Cigarette Advertisements. STBA LIA.

Suharti, Tati (2006) The Puzzle Techniques in Acquiring the Mastery of English Vocabulary of the second grade students of SMKN 18 Pondok Pinang ,jakarta. STBA LIA.

Suhendar, Komara SK003E Perubahan Dewan Redaksi Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat DIMA LIA Periode Oktober 2023 - Oktober 2024. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Sukanik, Sukanik (2004) Prefix Me- Towards English Borrowing Words in Indonesian Language: Morphophonemic Analyses. STBA LIA.

Sukmandini, Lenninggar (2003) Transposition And Modulation Processes in Comparing Indonesian Poem into English Poem Translation. STBA LIA.

Sukmawati, Indah (2012) Using Shopping List Game To Teach English Vocabulary For Children : A Comparative Study of fifth grade students at SDN VI Kranji Bekasi Barat (2001). STBA LIA.

Sukmawati, Restu (2020) An evaluation of an English textbook for grade IV of elementary school. STBA LIA.

Sukmawati, Restu (2020) An evaluation of an English textbook for grade IV of elementary school. STBA LIA.

Sulistiawan, Iwan (2023) Jurnal Bimbingan Junie Parisyana Nareswari. .. (Unpublished)

Sulistiawati, Ade Retno (2010) Analysis of Learning Strategies Case Study in "Sekolah Cakra Buana". STBA LIA.

Sumanta, Oman (2003) Metaphor on Cigarette Advertisement in Magazine. STBA LIA.

Sumarna, Mai (2003) Analyzing Intercultural Communication Problems : A Comparative Study of Address Terms between American English and Japanese in the Novel Bridge to the Sub. STBA LIA.

Sumirat, Tuti (2006) An analysis of some common errors in the use of verb which affect the writing ability of composition II students in the D III program at STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Sunarno, Septian Sri (2012) Strategies of greeting in Legally Blonde movie. STBA LIA.

Suni, Suni (2004) The Process Of Identity Development Of The Four Main Characters In The Novel "Runaways" By V.C.Andrews. STBA LIA.

Suparman, Suparman (2003) Martin Luther Kings " I Have Dream " Speech (Rhetoric Analysis). STBA LIA.

Supriadi, Supriadi (2008) The analysis of homonymy translation in the incredibles film. STBA LIA.

Supriyadi, Agus (2007) The Translation Of Acronyms From Indonesian Into English Language In Tempo Magazine in June 4 and July 10 -16, 2006 Edition. STBA LIA.

Suristiono, Agung (2005) The Anlysis of Meaning of Metaphor in Dream Lover Women of Dreams Using Componential Analysis. STBA LIA.

Suryana, Suryana (2021) A semiotic analysis of lipstick advertisement by using crales sanders peirce theory. STBA LIA.

Susanta, Santirah (2012) An investigation into the use of a blog as a tool to improve writing on EFL learners. STBA LIA.

Susanti, Dwi (2005) The Advantages og Using Portfolio Assesment in the Writing Class. STBA LIA.

Susanty, Susanty (2005) The Handbook of Writing Thesis For Student of STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Susilawati, Endang (2003) Compliment Responses Given By STBA LIA Students Vs Some Americans who are Visiting. STBA LIA.

Susilowati, Erry Fitria (2005) The Use ofSequence Picyures for Narrative Description to Improve Oral Production Skill. STBA LIA.

Sutaniah, Sutaniah (2006) Analysis Progressive Aspect of Verbs and Phrasal Verbs "L.E. Blair's Girl Talk". STBA LIA.

Sutanto, Haryo (2007) A Critical Discourse Analysis on the Jakarta Post Headline Articles About Governmental Issues of Avian Influenza virus. STBA LIA.

Sutiarsih, Sutiarsih (2010) Analysis Of thanking expressions related to power and solidarity in the hills TV series. STBA LIA.

Syafaruni, Bellazia (2017) An analysis of online media news framing about novel baswedan case in jakarta post. STBA LIA.

Syafiqa, Devani Nabilla (2023) Investigating the translation errors made by Yandex and deepl in the translation of BBC article entitled the record-breaking dive under the arcticb ice. STBA LIA.

Syafiqa, Devani Nabilla (2023) Ivestigating the translation errors made by Yandex and Deepl in the translation of BBC article entitled the record breaking dive under the artic ice. STBA LIA.

Syafitri, Ria (2011) A Critical Discourse Analysis of Articles About the Horse of Representatives Plan to Build New Building at the STBA LIA.

Syahda, Vanessa Alzeyna (2022) Investigating the causes of speaking anixety and student' Strategies. STBA LIA.

Syahla, Ardelia Prima (2022) A Framing analysis of articles about the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) staff nationalism test in Tempo online magazie. STBA LIA.

Syahputra, Mohammad Rizal Pratama (2023) An Analysis of clickbait headlines on New York magazine. STBA LIA.

Syahril, Muhammad Alvi (2022) An analysis of lead in world soccer magazine. STBA LIA.

Syahrizal, Indra (2005) The Validity of English Final Examination for Second Semester Students of Sekolah Menengah Pertama Islam Raden Patah Cibinong. STBA LIA.

Syaichun, Syaichun (2010) The Framing Analysis on the Jakarta Post Newspaper Articles About the Israeli Attack of Volunteers in Mavi Marmara. STBA LIA.

Syawaliyah, Syakila (2020) The Analysis of English textbooks "Challenges Students Book 2 and Challenges Workbook 2" in level of teens step up at ILP (International Language Program). STBA LIA.


Syifa, Fairuz (2021) An Aanalysis of the translation of slang word in Joker movie. STBA LIA.

sari, Indri Puspita (2010) A Translation analysis of derivational suffix-ing in reader's digest magazine. STBA LIA.

setyawan, Bayu (2021) Analysis of good lead in the articles of the STBA LIA.


sholihah, Salma (2021) An analysis on slang words translation in alice in wonderland subtittle from english to indonesian. STBA LIA.

sulistyo, Sefira septi cahya (2021) Framing analysis of the joko tjandra case news in tempo english magazine. STBA LIA.

sushan, Shirley (2010) An analysis of separable phrasal verbs translation in the novel diary of a wimpy kid. STBA LIA.

sushan, Shirley (2010) An analysis of separable phrasal verbs translation in the novel diary of a wimpy kid. STBA LIA.


Tampubolon, Novelina The Analysis of the Conditions of Coherence that Imply FTA Meaning in One Tree Hill Drama Series. STBA LIA.

Tamsil, Muhammad (2010) A Study on Conversational Implicature as Connected With off Record Strategy: A case study from exchangeing of utterances in novel "The Healer". STBA LIA.

Tanjung, Engelika (2009) The Translation of African American Vernacular English Into Indonesian in Novel to Kill A Mockingbird. STBA LIA.

Tantia, Tantia (2013) The Framing analysis on articles about high school students-journalist case. STBA LIA.

Tartila, Santi Laila (2007) Pragmalinguistic and Sociopragmatic Failures in Making Apologies: A Case Study of Stikes M.H. Thamrin Student's. STBA LIA.

Tarumaningsih, Titis (2005) An Analysis Utterance Reflecting Racism in Movie Bend it Like Beckham. STBA LIA.

Tarunadi, Bachtiar Bayu (2010) Equivalence of African Amrican vernacular English in the John Grisham's novel a time to kill. STBA LIA.

Taufan, Rizal (2003) A Study of Towradgi, Alinta and Maydinas Struggles Against The Oppressions of Colonialism in Women of the sun. STBA LIA.

Taufani, Nisrina Aulia (2017) An analysis of conditional sentences in novel The Mortal Insurments: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare and its translated version. STBA LIA.

Tauruzia, Eka Depci (2008) The Analysis Complaint in Your Letters Collumn in the Jakarta Post. STBA LIA.

Theresia, Hanna (2023) An Analysis of Lead about acute Kidney Injury news articles in the Jakarta Post. STBA LIA.


Tiartoro, Sagetri (2021) The analysis of english to Indonesia language idiomatic translation and their translation strategies in "Black Widow" movie. STBA LIA.

Tigana, Risky Daniel (2022) A translation analysis of the slang words in the master of none: Season 1 TV series subtitles from English to Indonesian. STBA LIA.



Togatorop, Adelita (2011) The Implementation of Flash Cards in Teaching Listening: A Case Study at English for children class I-B. STBA LIA.

Toliang, Emina (2014) An analysis on teachers code switchingin classroom interaction of English for children (EC) program at LBPP LIA Pasar Minggu. STBA LIA.

Trisilawati, Dian (2003) The Coverage of Raping Event Analyzes in Mass Media With The Critical Discource Analysis Approach from Gende Perpective. STBA LIA.

Tuhuteru, Mutiara Maria (2016) A framing analysis on articles about Indonesia's 2014 Presidential election at STBA LIA.

Tuty, Tuty (2007) An Analysis on Refusal Epressions: Questions, Request, and Offers in Danielle Steel's Novel "The Ranch". STBA LIA.


Ulina, Christine (2012) An anlysis of error types on students essay writing final test at STBA LIA Jakarta. STBA LIA.

Umiati, Anny (2003) The Values of Heroism in The Lord of The Rings : The Fellowship of the ring. STBA LIA.

Ummah, Muthma'innah Nurul (2022) The analysis of verb errors learners paragraph writing. STBA LIA.

Utami, Adrianovi P. (2007) An analysis of translation of final rhyme in Chairil Anwar's Poetries into english. STBA LIA.

Utami, Dian Novianti (2009) The Use of Interaction OH in Friends TV Series. STBA LIA.

Utami, Dyah (2012) Assessing the speaking ability of classes S4A and S4B students of the presentation skill course, STBA LIA Jakarta, academic year 2010-2011, on the basis of their individual oral presentation performance. STBA LIA.

Utami, Sholihati (2004) A CO-Relation Study Between Students' Speaking Scores and Writing Scores A Survey at S6-D 2002/2003 Writing Class from English Departement og School of Foreign Language Jakarta. STBA LIA.


Utari, Dewi (2020) The implementation of using Youtube in teaching speaking. STBA LIA.


Vania, Vania (2022) An analysis of lecturer's difficulties in online teaching listening skills at Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing LIA. STBA LIA.

Varadhita, Alya (2022) An analysis of Mascara advertisements using Semiotic framework. STBA LIA.

Verelin, Hizkia Angelina (2023) Lexical and syntactical ambiguity in the headlines of the Guardian news. STBA LIA.

Veronika, Stella (2006) An Analysis on the Translation of Morphosyntactic Neologisms in the Fifth and Sixth Series of Harry Potter. STBA LIA.

Vilia, Irany (2011) The Analysis of Code Switching from Indonesian to English and from English into Indonesian in the novel "Putri hujan dan Ksatria Malam"By Sitta Karina. STBA LIA.

Virman M.S.A, Virman M.S.A (2007) An Analysis on the Translation of Subculture Term In Subculture The Meaning Of Style Book By Dick Hebdige. STBA LIA.

Viyona S., Angelia (2010) Greeting Expressions Analysis in Louise Bagshawe's Novel: "Whwn She Was Bad… She Was Definetely Trouble. STBA LIA.


Wahyu, Rianna (2003) The Realizations of Hedging in Requests in the Film Pretty Woman. STBA LIA.

Wahyudi, Nauval (2008) The use of comic strips in teaching vocabulary to first grade students of SMP Triwibawa Jakarta Pusat. STBA LIA.

Wahyudin, Wahyudin (2006) The Analysis of Imperative Forms and Politeness Strategy in Gilmore Girls TV Series. STBA LIA.

Wahyuni, Angela (2007) The ability of Students of STBA LIA Jakarta who graduate in academic year 2007/2008 in translating phrasal verbs from english into Indonesian. STBA LIA.

Wahyuni, Era (2006) The Analysis of Pragmatic Functions of Tag Question Used in Danielle Steel "Star". STBA LIA.

Wahyuni, Ricca (2006) A Reflection of Student's Speaking Scores to Their Speaking Participation in the Classroom A Case Study in D6X Speaking Class at LIA School of Foreign Language. STBA LIA.

Wahyuni, Sri (2020) An Analysis of grammatical and lexical cehesion in citizen journalism. STBA LIA.

Wahyuni S, Reyko (2008) An Analysis On Multiple Choice Items Of Stucture I Mid-Term Test Given To STBA LIA students of the academic year of 2004-2005. STBA LIA.

Wahyuningsih, Neneng a1 Laporan Pengajaran Penulisan Proposal Penelitian S6Tm. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Wahyuningsih, Neneng (2024) a2 Laporan Pengajaran_Penerjemahan Takarir S6Tm. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Wahyuningsih, Neneng Sri (2024) Laporan Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris S3B. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Wahyuningsih, Neneng Sri (2024) Laporan Pengajaran_Lokakarya Penerjemahan S5X. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Wahyuningsih, Neneng Sri (2024) SK Pengangkatan PA Gasal 2023/2024. Universitas LIA. (Unpublished)

Wanti, Nita Dwi (2005) The Analysis of Comman in Bald on Record Strategy Uses in Everwood the Series. STBA LIA.

Warika, Naza Herliza (2020) The analysis of idioms in the subtitle of Wreck-it Ralph. STBA LIA.

Wibhawa, Atyanta (2005) The Translation Study of Gerund in Caroline Plaited's Novel E-Love and Its Translation By Sutanty Lesmana. STBA LIA.

Wicaksono, Mohamad Ari (2021) An analysis of lead in news on Indonesian's Minister Corruption cases in Jakarta Post. STBA LIA.

Widhayati, Widhayati (2014) A framing analysis on articles about the victims of brawl of football clubs at STBA LIA.

Widhi, Luthfira Isnaeni (2019) An analysis of translation of taboo words "Central Intelligence" movie. STBA LIA.

Widiani, Heni (2012) Implementing Marc Helgesen's Seven Techniques to Maximize Learner Engagement at CEP STBA LIA Pengadegan. STBA LIA.

Widiarti, Diana (2006) A Love Affair Causing Dishonesty in Marriage in two Poems: Living in Sin by Adrienne Rich & Reading Scheme by Wendy Cope. STBA LIA.

Widiati, Risni (2011) Analysis of complimenting speech act in Operah Talk Show. STBA LIA.

Widiawati, Sarovah (2010) An analysis on refusal utterances in the season one of TV series,gossip girl. STBA LIA.

Widyasari, Citra Tri (2005) The Differences of Complaints Expressed by Men and Women in "Ally McBeal" TV Series. STBA LIA.

Widyasari, Citra Tri (2005) The Differences of Complaints Expressed by Men and Women in "Ally McBeal" TV Series. STBA LIA.

Widyastari, Mety (2008) An Analysis on the translation of javanese lexical items in tradition in javanese Social structure kingdom and countryside. STBA LIA.

Widyastuty, Suci (2014) An analysis of health feature articles on STBA LIA.

Wijaya, Prakosonoto Ami (2006) An Analysis of Translation of Maritime Terminology In Introductory shipping Business Handbook from English into Indonesian. STBA LIA.

Windaningrum, Arnita (2012) Analysis of directive speech act related to social factors and social dimensions in grey's anatomy season 2. STBA LIA.

Wirasetia, Kesia Kirana Citra (2020) An analysis of the subtitle of simile and personafication in Anna Karenina (2012) movie. STBA LIA.

Wirdah, Wirdah (2017) An analysis humor translation in Buku Humor Inggris-Indonesia (English-Indonesian joke book). STBA LIA.

Wresniwiro, Hilman Aby (2022) The translation procedures of figurative language analysis from " the Silmarillion" novel by J.R.R Tolkien. STBA LIA.

Wulandari, Ruli Prima (2007) The Attitudes of Adult Students Toward the Use of Self-Assessment (A Study at Advanced). STBA LIA.

Wulandari, Savitri (2006) An Analysis of the Translation of English Collocation into Indonesian in Yann Martel's Novel Life of PI. STBA LIA.

Wulandari, Setyo (2009) Translation of Euphemism in the Novel of A Stranger in the Mirror by Sidney Sheldon. STBA LIA.


Yanita P., Chuliyah (2010) The Analysison Conditions of coherence in the Dialogues of Sydney Sheldon's Novel "Morning,Noon and Night". STBA LIA.

Yanuarti, Ninuk (2005) The Use FTAs Strategy on the Analysis of Interruption in Rob Reiner's Film: "A Few Good Man". STBA LIA.

Yohanes, Eldo (2019) The analysis of effective and good lead at world soccer magazine. STBA LIA.

Yosrifal, Radinka Rayhan Putra (2024) Analysis of subtitling translation strategies of Taboo word vs Swear word in deadpool 2 movie. Universitas LIA.


Yuanita, Eka K. (2004) Strategies of Seeking Agreements in Blume's Novel Deenie And Clearly's Novel Jean & Johnny. STBA LIA.

Yuanita, Lila (2005) The Equivalence of Taboo Words in Chicklit Novel: Jemima J. STBA LIA.

Yuliani, Dwi (2014) The use of portfolio assesment to improve students grammar competence. STBA LIA.

Yulianti, Dewi (2007) An Analysis of Metaphors on Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Novel by Using Relevance Theory. STBA LIA.

Yulianto, Chris (2003) The Translation of English Technological Terms Into Indonesian. STBA LIA.

Yulianto, Ferry (2006) Representation of Life Styke in Mobile Phone Advertisement. STBA LIA.

Yuliawati, Yuliawati (2005) The Use of Context Model in Motivating Children to Have Better Understanding in Reading. STBA LIA.

Yulisna, Yulisna (2005) The Analysis of Activity of Activities in New Parade 6 Book of Elementary Classes in LBPP LIA in Relation With Children's Critical Thinking. STBA LIA.

Yunan, Andrew (2014) The framing analysis on articles about "World AIDS day" at STBA LIA.

Yunenlis, Yunenlis (2005) The Role of Meaning Idea and Tone of Animal Voice in "We People Too" A Poem By Benyamin Zephaniah. STBA LIA.

Yuniati, Rica (2004) Face Threatenning Act of Disagreement in Francine Pascal's Novels. STBA LIA.

Yuristiani, Dini (2014) An analysis of the translation of imagery in The Hunger Games from English into Indonesian. STBA LIA.

Yusuf, Daud (2013) Translation analysis of legal terms in the civil code chapter thirteen concerning testament and last will from Indonesia into English. STBA LIA.

Yuswita, Dwi Febri (2004) Re- Reading Cosmetic Advertisements Through Semiotics. STBA LIA.

Yuwono, Darmawan Eko (2020) A study of google translate traslations: An error analysis of the translation of Eliza Rileys Return to Paradise. STBA LIA.

yani, Annisha anggrie (2021) The use of grammatical cohesion essay writings of efl learners. STBA LIA.


Zaahra, Anida (2020) An error analysis on Youtube English-Indonesian auto-generated sebtitle in The Wicked wit of Jane Austen - Iselt Gillespie in ted-ed channel. STBA LIA.

Zael, Lerry (2003) An Analysis of Slang Words Related to Sex,Drugs,and Violence in DR. DRE'S Rap Lyrics. STBA LIA.

Zahirulfikri, Hanif (2017) Framing analysis on the Jakarta Post online articles about chemical castration punishment for rapists. STBA LIA.

Zaimar, Yulia Sofiani (2005) The Lack of Love Cause Mental Disorder in the Glass Inferno. STBA LIA.

Zefania, Zefania (2008) Analyisis Of Coherence Within The Conversation That Imply Directive Speech Act Based On Gilmore Girls Drama Series. STBA LIA.

Zulhananda, Arta (2007) The analysis Of The Translations of Request Speech Act On Die Hard Movie. STBA LIA.

Zurneviyanti, Zurneviyanti (2004) The Analysis of Address Terms as Reflection of Power and Solidarity in Thurston House Novel by Danielle Steel. STBA LIA.

Zurneviyanti, Zurneviyanti (2004) The Analysis of Address Terms as Reflection of Power and Solidarity in Thurston House Novel by Danielle Steel. STBA LIA.

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